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Approaches to the identification of critical facilities and critical combinations of facilities in the gas industry in terms of its operability

... state and energy-consuming regions. The indicators characterizing the significance of these facilities and their combinations in terms of its operability are presented. The algorithm of distribution of such facilities in the lists of the federal and regional levels is described. The list of critical facilities in the gas industry of the federal level, which includes facilities of the gas transmission network, main compressor stations of gas fields, and some underground natural gas storages, is generated....

Теги: critical facilities , energy security , gas industry , system operability , compressibility of gases , gases , natural gas , natural gas fields , compressor stations , gas fields , gas transmission networks , regional levels , underground natural
Energy security problems at the regional level: Situation analysis and main trends

Smirnova E., Senderov S. Energy security problems at the regional level: Situation analysis and main trends // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 01009. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197701009 The paper is devoted to the problem of assessing the state of energy security at the regional level, analysing the main trends and the scale of changes in the state of energy security in the regions of Russia. Regions of Russia with an unsatisfactory state of energy security have been identified, and the dynamics...

Теги: energy policy , regional levels , security problems , situation analysis , energy security
Modern problems of energy security of the Caspian regions of Russia and Azerbaijan

Senderov S.M., Yusifbeyli N.A., Rabchuk V.I., Huseynov A.M., Nasibov V.K., Guliyev G.B., Vorobev S.V., Smirnova E.M. Modern problems of energy security of the Caspian regions of Russia and Azerbaijan // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.69. ID: 01014. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186901014 The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of ensuring the energy security of the Caspian regions of Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The priority problems of energy security analysis were raised at...

Теги: electric power transmission networks , energy policy , energy security , azerbaijan , medium term , regional levels , security analysis , smart power grids
Formation of the list of gas industry critical objects from the standpoint of energy security of the country

... critical objects of the Russian gas industry in terms of energy security of the state and regions. The task of identifying critical objects of the gas industry is presented and an algorithm for their distribution according to the lists of federal and regional levels is shown. A list of critical facilities of the federal gas industry is presented. This list includes, along with gas transmission network objects, head compressor stations at the exits from gas fields and underground gas storages. © 2018 ...

Теги: energy security , gas industry , compressor stations , critical facilities , gas fields , gas transmission networks , regional levels , gases
