....1016/j.energy.2020.118469 The problem of pipeline network transmission capacity optimization is solved during network design, optimization, and development. It consists in determining the optimal pipeline diameters, installation sites, and parameters of pumps and valves. This study proposes a methodology for optimizing the transmission capacity of tree-shaped water pipeline networks of energy systems that serve various purposes and have multiple sources. A method for constructing a network model that ...
Теги: algorithm , dynamic programming , network optimization , pipeline diameters , pipeline networks , pumps , forestry , pipelines , water pipelines , computational procedures , continuous optimization problems , installation site , mathematical statement , optimization aMarinchenko A.Y., Edelev A.V. A formation of the heat pump mathematical models // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2638. 2020. P.191-200. DOI: 10.47350/ICCS-DE.2020.18 The paper addresses the mathematical modeling heat pump main elements and heat pump based heat supply systems. It is used in the calculating expected heat supply costs on the basis of a heat supply system functioning simulation. Using these models, the current state of the heat pump NT-60-1 located in the Baikal Museum of the Scientific...
Теги: control systems , pumps , heat pump efficiency , heat pumps , heat supply , heat supply systems , russian academy of sciences , scientific center , heat pump systemsNovitsky N.N., Lutsenko A.V. Discrete-continuous optimization of heat network operating conditions in parallel operation of similar pumps at pumping stations // Journal of Global Optimization. Vol.66. No.1. 2016. P.83-94. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-016-0403-y http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10898-016-0403-y The paper addresses an optimization problem of hydraulic conditions of ...
Теги: integer programming , optimization , pumping plants , pumps , comparative efficiencies , computational experiment , continuous optimization , heat supply systems , hydraulic conditions , network operating cond