Novitsky N.N., Shalaginova Z.I., Alekseev A.A., Tokarev V.V., Grebneva O.A., Lutsenko A.V., Vanteeva O.V., Mikhailovsky E.A., Pop R., Chertkov M., Vorobev, Petr E. Smarter Smart District Heating // Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol.109. No.9. 2020. P.1596-1611. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2020.2990490 This article reviews modern district heating systems (DHS), with the main emphasis on the new challenges in modeling, operation, and planning. We give a brief historical overview of evolution of heating systems...
Теги: cogeneration , control , district heating systems (dhs) , europe , heat flows , mass flows , optimization , power systems , resistance heating , smart grids. , space heating , urban areas , district heating , heating equipment , control issues , district heating systemSun Y., Wang Y., Bai L., Hu Y., Sidorov D., Panasetsky D. Parameter estimation of electromechanical oscillation based on a constrained EKF with C&I-PSO // Energies. Vol.11. No.8. ID: 2059. 2018. DOI: 10.3390/en11082059 By combining together the extended Kalman filter with a newly developed C&I particle swarm optimization algorithm (C&I-PSO), a novel estimation method is proposed for parameter estimation of electromechanical oscillation, in which critical physical constraints on the parameters are...
Теги: ci particle swarm optimization , constrained parameter estimation , extended kalman filter , power systems , ringdown detection , circuit oscillations , constrained optimization , extended kalman filters , particle swarm optimization (pso) , standby power systemsSidorov D., Tao Q., Muftahov I., Zhukov A., Karamov D., Dreglea A., Liu F. Energy balancing using charge/discharge storages control and load forecasts in a renewable-energy-based grids // Chinese Control Conference, CCC. Vol.2019-July. ID: 8865777. 2019. P.6865-6870. ISBN (print): 9789881563972. DOI: 10.23919/ChiCC.2019.8865777 Renewable-energy-based grids development needs new methods to maintain the balance between the load and generation using the efficient energy storages models. Most of the...
Теги: deep learning. , energy storage , forecasting , integral equations , inverse problem , machine learning , numerical methods , power systems , svmКолосок И.Н., Коркина Е.С., Тихонов А.В. Анализ надежности ПВК оценивания состояния на основе технологии дерева отказов // Электричество. №6. 2018. C.24-34. DOI: 10.24160/0013-5380-2018-6-24-34 Значение задачи оценивания состояния (ОС) электроэнергетической системы (ЭЭС) не перестает быть актуальным при управлении объектами электроэнергетики. Традиционно качество результатов ОС ставится в зависимость от качества исходной информации: от телеизмерений и синхронизированных векторных измерений, от правильности...
Теги: электроэнергетическая система , power systems , оценивание состояния , state estimation , дерево отказов , fault tree , качество оценивания , quality of estimation results , программное обеспечение , software fault tolerance