... climatic and meteorological information, preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of energy sources of various types according to the criterion of the cost of electricity produced, mathematical modeling of the structure and modes of operation of the power system. The mathematical model takes into account the random nature of solar and wind energy. Results. It is shown that the electricity produced by photoelectric converters and wind turbines, taking into account the cost of its transport along power ...
Теги: effectiveness , electricity price , gobi desert , mongolia , power system , renewable energy sourcesKrupenev D., Boyarkin D., Iakubovskii D. Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method // Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Vol.204. ID: 107171. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2020.107171 The reliability of energy systems is assessed to control their operation and expansion. An effective ...
Теги: machine learning , monte carlo method , power system , random sequences , reliability , computational efficiency , decision trees , electric power systems , learning systems , reliability analysis , support vector machines , control problems , energy systems , free st... and Geo-Information System with Object-Oriented Energy Database. The System is used to carries out the research of feasibility and prospects of Interstate Power Interconnection expansion. For this purpose, the mathematical model for Optimization of Power Systems Expansion and Operating Modes, which is the main part of the System, is used. An interface for working with the Model is developed. The output forms for calculation results by the Model in tabular, graphic and cartographic forms are presented....
Теги: computing system , geo-information system , optimization model , data processing , object database , power plant , power system , interstate power interconnectionEdelev A.V., Karamov D.N., Van Binh Doan, Hoai Nam Nguyen, Hong Anh Nguyen, Viet Huong Nguyen The Long-Term Development Planning of Energy Critical Infrastructures of Vietnam // Proc.of the VIth International Workshop 'Critical Infrastructures: Contingency Management, Intelligent, Agent-Based, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security' (IWCI 2019). 2019. P.162-167. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.28 Renewable energy sources help increase the energy supply security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam...
Теги: generation expansion planning , renewable energy , long-term energy development , power system , decision supportTrofimov I.L., Podkovalnikov S.V., Trofimov L., Chudinova L. A Computing System for Processing the Interstate Power Grid Data // Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.3. 2018. P.61-67. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2018.03.0008 The paper presents a Data Processing and Geo-information Computing System (DPGICS) intended to study and forecast the expansion of interstate power grids. We propose an original technology for data storage in an object-oriented database, and a technology for data processing and representation...
Теги: geo-information system , optimization model , data processing , object database , power plant , power system , interstate power interconnectionTomin N., Kurbatsky V., Panasetsky D., Sidorov D., Zhukov A. Voltage/VAR Control and Optimization: AI approach // IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol.51. No.28. 2018. P.103-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.685 Volt-VAr control systems provide the optimal solution with remote automatic or manual control of the capacitor banks and tap positions on the voltage regulators. However, such control possesses inherent characteristics of complexity, nonlinearity, inaccuracy and high requirement for control speed, parts...
Теги: machine learning , multi-agent system , power system , random forest , security , volt-var control , decision trees , intelligent agents , learning systems , value engineering , voltage regulators , inherent characteristics , optimal solutions , random forests , traditTomin N.V., Zhukov A., Kurbatsky V.G., Sidorov D.N., Negnevitsky M. Development of Automatic Intelligent System for On-Line Voltage Security Control of Power Systems // 2017 IEEE MANCHESTER POWERTECH. 2017. ISBN (print): 978-1-5090-4237-1. DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2017.7980922 The majority of recent large-scale blackouts have been caused by voltage instability. A prompt on-line assessment of voltage stability ...
Теги: power system , voltage security , control , random forest , security assessment , l-index , stabilityZhukov A., Tomin N., Sidorov D., Panasetsky D., Spirayev V. A hybrid artificial neural network for voltage security evaluation in a power system // IYCE 2015 - Proceedings: 2015 5th International Youth Conference on Energy. 2015. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467371. DOI: 10.1109/IYCE.2015.7180828 A majority of recent large-scale blackouts have been the consequence of instabilities characterized ...
Теги: electric power system security , multilayers , network security , neural networks , emergency , hybrid artificial neural network , kohonen neural networks , large-scale blackout , power security , power system... Engineering. Vol.2. No.3. 2014. P.116-127. DOI: 10.1002/ese3.38 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.38/abstract In the last decade in Europe, the power generated by Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has significantly increased. For the electric power system, the integration of a high amount of power generated by RES represents a big challenge. Energy Storage Systems (ESS) may help to solve problems related to the grid integration of RES. In this study, an analysis of the benefits that a planned ...
Теги: adiabatic compressed air energy storage , energy storage systems , power system , renewable energy sources , storage integrationTomin N., Kurbatsky V., Rehtanz C. An intelligent security alert system for power system pre-emergency control // Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering. Wroclaw Poland. 01-03 November 2013. P.63-67. ISBN (print): 9781479928. DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC-2.2013.6737884 http://apps.webofknowledge....
Теги: alert systems , blackout , clustering ensemble , power system , pre-emergency state , security assessment , electric power system interconnection , electrical engineering , clustering algorithms