Kler A., Zakharov Y. Joint optimization of power plant cycle parameters and gas turbine flow path parameters with blade airfoils represented by cubic splines // Energy. Vol.137. 2017. P.183-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.07.020 Normally, optimization of gas turbine unit cycle parameters and ...
Теги: gas turbine unit , power plant , flow path , airfoil , cubic spline , curvature , cycle parameters optimization , performance enhancement , design , cascadeTrofimov I.L., Trofimov L.., Podkovalnikov S.V., Chudinova L.. Output Forms for Calculation Results in the Computing & Geo-Information System // Proc. of the VIth International Workshop Critical Infrastructures: Contingency Management, Intelligent, Agent-Based, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security. Иркутск. 17-24 March 2019. P.25-29. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.5 https://download.atlantis-press.com/article/125917297.pdf The paper discusses about special Computing and Geo-Information System with Object-Oriented...
Теги: computing system , geo-information system , optimization model , data processing , object database , power plant , power system , interstate power interconnectionPodkovalnikov S., Trofimov I., Trofimov L., Chudinova L. The computing and information system for study of scenarios for interstate power grids expansion // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2019. ID: 8955179. P.1-4. ISBN (print): 9781728133614. DOI: 10.1109/ECTI-CON47248.2019.8955179 We create the computing and information system to study prospective interstate power grids. As...
Теги: computing system , data processing , energy power system , geo-information system , interstate power grid , object database , optimization model , power plant , data handling , expansion , information systems , information use , object oriented programming , object-orTrofimov I., Trofimov L., Podkovalnikov S., Chudinova L., Belyaev L., Savelév V. The computing and information system for research of prospective electric power grids expansion // Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. Vol.29. No.4. 2019. P.465-481. DOI: 10.2298/YJOR181115021T The paper describes the software tool implemented by Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, aimed to solve wide range of energy issues. In this article, the Computing and Information System (CIS) means a software tool...
Теги: data processing , electric power balance , electric power system , geo-information system , object-oriented database , optimization model , power plantТакайшвили Л.Н., Соколов А.Д., Батхуяг Содовын Перспективы развития угольной энергетики Монголии // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.23. №1. 2019. C.137-147. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2019-1-137-147 Монголия обладает значительными ресурсами высококачественного угля, добыча которого направлена на внутреннее потребление страны (нужд энергетики, экспорта угля и электроэнергии). Высокая обеспеченность запасами углей позволяет рассматривать уголь как надежный источник топлива на длительную перспективу. Среди источников...
Теги: монголия , энергетика , электростанция , уголь , запасы , потребление , проекты , экспорт , mongolia , energy sector , power plant , coal , reserves , consumption , projects , export