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A methodological approach to the determination of optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources

Stennikov V.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. A methodological approach to the determination of optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources // Energy. Vol.185. 2019. P.350-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.048 The determination of optimal parameters is of great importance to ensure the operability of a district heating system. Solving this problem entails providing the necessary network transmission capacity by determining pipe diameters, sites and parameters of pumping...

Теги: algorithm , discrete-continuous optimization , district heating systems , dynamic programming , pipeline diameters , pumping station
Optimization of transmission capacity of energy water pipeline networks with a tree-shaped configuration and multiple sources

... sources // Energy. Vol.210. ID: 118469. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118469 The problem of pipeline network transmission capacity optimization is solved during network design, optimization, and development. It consists in determining the optimal pipeline diameters, installation sites, and parameters of pumps and valves. This study proposes a methodology for optimizing the transmission capacity of tree-shaped water pipeline networks of energy systems that serve various purposes and have multiple ...

Теги: algorithm , dynamic programming , network optimization , pipeline diameters , pipeline networks , pumps , forestry , pipelines , water pipelines , computational procedures , continuous optimization problems , installation site , mathematical statement , optimization a
