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Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications

Voropai N., Stennikov V., Senderov S., Barakhtenko E., Voitov O., Ustinov A. Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications // Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol.143. No.5. 2017. P.1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000443 Energy systems including electricity, heat/cooling, and gas supply systems represent a very important part of the infrastructure in Russia. This paper presents a general framework of integrated energy systems. Elements of the concept...

Теги: integrated energy systems , mathematical modeling , critical infrastructures , elements of concept , case studies , optimal power-flow , optimal operation , combined heat , management , network , hubs , optimization , carriers , grids , gas
Day-ahead Optimization Schedule for Gas-electric Integrated Energy System Based on Second-order Cone Programming

Sun YH, Zhang BW, Ge LJ, Sidorov D, Wang JX, Xu Z Day-ahead Optimization Schedule for Gas-electric Integrated Energy System Based on Second-order Cone Programming // CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS. Vol.6. №1. 2020. P.142-151. DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2019.00860 This paper proposes an optimal day-ahead optimization schedule for gas-electric integrated energy system (IES) considering the bi-directional energy flow. The hourly topology of electric power system (EPS), natural gas system (NGS)...

Теги: day-ahead optimization schedule , integrated energy system , natural gas system , second-order cone programming , optimal power-flow , natural-gas , demand response , model relaxations , network , operation , strategy , heat
