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Experimental observation of the maximum bubble diameter in non-stationary temperature field of subcooled boiling water flow

... capture the bubble dynamics. The effects of heat release conditions and inlet water temperature on the bubble maximum diameter and nucleation frequency were studied. We found that the increased heat flux results in reduction of the maximum diameter at non-stationary heat release. Calculations on the basis of prediction models showed that the non-stationary nucleate boiling data cannot be generalized using the models developed by Prodanovic et al. (2002) and Song (2016) with the coefficients obtained ...

Теги: forced convection , high-speed visualization , maximum bubble diameter , non-stationary heat release , subcooled boiling flow
Effect of the flow velocity on bubble boiling characteristics

Anatoliy L., Polina K. Effect of the flow velocity on bubble boiling characteristics // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.128. ID: 06002. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201912806002 The present research considers the initial stage of nucleate boiling with high heat fluxes releasing from the technical surface. We show new experimental data on the dynamics of the vapor phase in subcooled water flow in the channel under nonstationary heat release conditions. The heat release dissipation on the heater was performed...

Теги: flow of water , heat flux , heating , momentum transfer , cylindrical walls , formation dynamics , heat release , high heat flux , non-stationary heat release , pulse durations , sub-cooled water , technical sur
Experimental study of the non-stationary heat flux effect on the onset of nucleate boiling and maximum bubble diameters in the subcooled boiling flow

Levin A.A., Khan P.V. Experimental study of the non-stationary heat flux effect on the onset of nucleate boiling and maximum bubble diameters in the subcooled boiling flow // International Heat Transfer Conference. Vol.2018-Augus. 2018. P.1143-1152. DOI: 10.1615/IHTC16.bae.022898 The initial stages of formation of the developed nucleate boiling were investigated over the increasing heat flux range of 0.52-1.71 MW/m2. The non-stationary temperature field of heated liquid layers was described by numerical...

Теги: forced convection , high-speed visualization , maximum bubble diameter , non-stationary heat release , onset of nucleate boiling , subcooled boiling flow
Characteristics of nucleate boiling under conditions of pulsed heat release at the heater surface

....applthermaleng.2018.12.126 This paper presents results of the experimental study for the initial stage of the explosive boiling, as well as an attempt to simulate them in order to clarify whether the existing approaches can be extended to the case of the non-stationary heat release. We present data on the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) and nucleation density for pulsed heat release in the range from 0.56 to 2 MW/m2. To determine the dynamics of the temperature field under conditions of non-stationary ...

Теги: nucleation , explosive boiling , fourier numbers , heater surface , interphase interaction , non-stationary heat release , nucleation densities , numerical algorithms , onset of nucleate boiling , nucleate boi
On modeling of the initial stage of nonstationary nucleate boiling for the high heat fluxes

... 2]. However, the numerical prediction is mostly based on the empirical correlations, the accuracy of which does not exceed 20%. Boiling is a complicated process, where each parameter affects not only the general outcome but other parameters, too. The non-stationary heat release is most difficult for modeling, because many of the existing researches are based on analytical expressions for the fluid temperature distribution. The basic stages of the explosive boiling are: (i) heating of the wall to the ...

Теги: explosives , heating , momentum transfer , nucleation , analytical expressions , empirical correlations , explosive boiling , leidenfrost temperature , non-stationary heat release , nucleation densities , nucle
