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Development of multi-agent systems for distributed solutions of energy problems using agent-based scenarios

Massel L.V., Galperov V.I. Development of multi-agent systems for distributed solutions of energy problems using agent-based scenarios // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.326. No.5. 2015. P.45-53. On the one hand, the relevance of the research is defined ...

Теги: agent , agent-based scenarios , estimation of eps state , multi-agent systems , smart grid
Agent-service Approach for Development of Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems

... of series Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2019. P.211-215. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.37 This article deals with usage of agent-service approach for development of intelligent decision-making support systems (IDSS). Concepts of agent and multi-agent systems are being considered, and description of agent-service approach is given. Detailed description of IDSS “Situation polygon” is provided. This description includes process of development of IDSS with the help of agent-service approach,...

Теги: agent-service approach , multi-agent systems , intelligent decision-making support systems , situational management
Digital Transformation of Russia Energy Sector: Methods and Intelligent Technologies of Scientific Substantiation of Strategic Decisions.

Massel L.V., Massel A.G. Digital Transformation of Russia Energy Sector: Methods and Intelligent Technologies of Scientific Substantiation of Strategic Decisions. // EPJ Web Conf. Volume 217, 2019. International Workshop on Flexibility and Resiliency Problems of Electric Power Systems (FREPS 2019). P.1-6. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201921701011 The problems of energy sector digital transformation in Russia are considered. The problem of insufficient use of the results available in scientific organizations...

Теги: digital energy sector , intelligent information technologies , mathematical and semantic modeling , knowledge management , fractal stratified model , multi-agent systems
Decentralized multi-agent algorithm for voltage control

Panasetsky D., Tomin N., Sidorov D. et al. Decentralized multi-agent algorithm for voltage control // Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC. Vol.Decem. 2016. P.852-856. ISBN 9781509054183. DOI: 10.1109/APPEEC.2016.7779615. In recent years, due to liberalization, power systems are being operated closer and closer to their limits. At the same time, they have increased in size and complexity. Both factors increase the risk of major power outages and blackouts. Most of the existing...

Теги: automatic voltage control , emergency control , multi-agent systems , power system control , reactive power control , fault tolerance , multi agent systems , power control , reactive power , software agents , voltage control , development and testing , multi-agent al
