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Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components

Kler A.M., Potanina Y.M., Marinchenko A.Y. Cooptimization of thermal power plant flowchart, thermodynamic cycle parameters, and design parameters of components // Energy. Vol.193. ID: 116679. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116679 The improvement in the efficiency of an energy plant depends on a rational development of its flowchart and choice of parameters along with the load schedule, equipment reliability, operating mode, etc. It is advisable to study such complex technical systems with the...

Теги: branch-and-bound method , mathematical modeling , methods of optimization , mixed-integer programming , reversible processes , thermal power plants , combined cycle power plants , earnings , energy efficiency , flowcharting , integer programming , investments , large
Analysis of a variant of development of the unified electrical network with the market model

Drachev P. Analysis of a variant of development of the unified electrical network with the market model // 2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467356. DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2013.6652211 The unbundling of the electricity business has raised new challenges that the restructured industry faces. Transmission system provides nondiscriminatory, effective and competitive environment for participants. Hence, the traditional cost-minimization formulation is no longer...

Теги: market model , mixed-integer programming , network expansion , power transfers , social welfare , commerce , competition , electric network analysis , electric power transmission , integer programming , investm
