... efficiency of an energy plant depends on a rational development of its flowchart and choice of parameters along with the load schedule, equipment reliability, operating mode, etc. It is advisable to study such complex technical systems with the methods of mathematical modeling and optimization. The paper presents an approach to the development of optimal flowcharts and selection of parameters of energy plants. The approach is based on the combination of a method for optimization of the most complex flowchart ...
Теги: branch-and-bound method , mathematical modeling , methods of optimization , mixed-integer programming , reversible processes , thermal power plants , combined cycle power plants , earnings , energy efficiency , flowcharting , integer programming , investments , largeKler A.M., Tyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S. Mathematical Modeling of Plants for the Combined Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Electricity Based on Coal // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.54. No.3. 2020. P.136-148. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521920030064 Abstract: Various aspects of the synthesis of gasoline ...
Теги: coal , gasoline , mathematical modeling , methanol , power-engineering plant , hydrocarbons , phase separation , thermodynamics , economic efficiency , equilibrium thermodynamics , gasoline fractions , hydrocarbon synthesis , liquid hydrocarbons , phase-separation proPenkovskii A., Stennikov V., Kravets A. Bi-level modeling of district heating systems with prosumers // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.89-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.046 The paper deals with the actual problem of the functioning and development of district heating systems in the framework of the transition to intelligent energy, in which the active consumers (prosumers) holds the key place. The paper proposes an optimization mathematical model for management the operation of district heating...
Теги: bi-level programming , district heating system , heat sources , mathematical modeling , optimal development , optimization , prosumer , heating equipment , mathematical models , district heatingPostnikov I. Methods for optimization of time redundancy of prosumer in district heating systems // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.214-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.065 The paper deals with the problem of operating the reliability of prosumers as part of a district heating system, taking into account overload time redundancy that they possess. This time redundancy can be both passive, caused by heat accumulating effect and use of thermal energy storages, as well as an active time redundancy...
Теги: availability factor , district heating system , intelligent integrated energy systems , markov random process , mathematical modeling , nodal reliability indices , optimization , prosumer , reliability , theor , district heating , heat storage , heating equipment , hyStennikov V., Penkovskii A. The pricing methods on the monopoly district heating market // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.187-193. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.061 District heating plays an important role in many countries with cold climates. District heating are local systems and in most cases, they organized as natural monopoly markets. This article examines the three variants for the formation of prices for household consumers on monopoly district heating market: market equilibrium of supply...
Теги: heat supply system , heating pricing , market equilibrium , mathematical modeling , monopoly district heating market , regulation , commerce , competition , district heating , mathematical models , classical model , heat supply systems , market equilibria , monopoly mDonskoy I.G. Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.53. No.2. 2019. P.113-119. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521919020046 Abstract: Co-gasification process of coal and plant biomass mixtures in entrained flow of oxygen and steam was investigated using mathematical modelling. The calculated dependences of the process characteristics on the control parameters (such as fuel composition, gasification agent composition...
Теги: biomass , coal , entrained flow , gasification , mathematical modeling , efficiency , mathematical models , temperature , control parameters , effect of temperature , entrained flow gasifiers , fuel compositions , gasification process , process... particular, high-alloy steel can be used to manufacture the most loaded heating surfaces of a boiler unit). A rational choice of technical and economic parameters of energy plants as the most complex technical systems should be made using the methods of mathematical modeling and optimization. The paper considers an original approach to an economically sound optimal choice of steel grade to manufacture heating surfaces for boiler units. A case study of optimization of the discrete-continuous parameters ...
Теги: thermal power plants , methods of optimization , mathematical modeling , advanced construction materials , mixed-integer programming problem , cycle power-plants , differential evolution , cost , coal , parameters , design , system , energyKler A.M., Marinchenko A.Y., Potanina Y.M. Development of mathematical model of the system of highjtemperature ceramic heat exchangers of periodic action // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.329. №3. 2018. P.26-35. The relevance of research is conditioned by the need to create and develop heat power plants, in which the processes of electric power generation are combined with the processes of coal gasification. Interest in this direction is explained by large...
Теги: air-blown gasification , high-temperature air heating , integrated gasification combined cycle , mathematical modeling , regenerative ceramic heat exchangersKler A.M., Maximov A.S., Epishkin N.O. Methods for analysis and synthesis of technological schemes of thermal power plants based on solving auxiliary problems of linear programming // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.24. No.5. 2017. P.787-798. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317050146 The paper describes the developed method for analyzing technological schemes of thermal power plants based on solving problems of auxiliary linear programming. This method involves solving the linear programming problems...
Теги: mathematical modeling , thermal power plants , technological scheme analysis , parameter optimization , gas-turbine , parameters , cycle... processes and chemical transformations). Thermodynamic estimates showed the possibility of achieving the efficiency of the gasification at the level of 0.8–0.9, however, the experimentally achieved values rarely exceeded 0.7. The results of using mathematical modeling to investigate the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the biomass gasification are discussed. входит Статья в журнале
Теги: biomass , gasification , mathematical modeling , optimization