... discrete spectral lines. The SLNE is linear with respect to lines' intensities and nonlinear with respect to the lines' frequencies. The integral approximation algorithm is proposed for the solution of this SLNE. The algorithm combines solution of linear integral equations with solution of a system of linear algebraic equations and avoids nonlinear equations. Numerical examples of the application of the technique, both to synthetic and experimental spectra, demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach ...
Теги: inverse problem of spectroscopy , discrete spectrum , system of linear and nonlinear equations , integral equations , regularization , resolution enhancement , integral approximation algorithm , lines intens , least-squares problems , variable projection , infraredMisyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G. Ways to improve the efficiency of carbon dioxide utilization and gas hydrate storage at low temperatures // Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol.34. 2019. P.313-324. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2019.07.010 The dissociation of gas hydrate in the form of pressed granules of different diameters has been investigated. Kinetic equations to describe dissociation of gas hydrates at negative temperatures have been obtained for the first time. The activation energy for CO2 hydrate is higher...
Теги: activation energy , co2 hydrate dissociation , dissociation kinetics , carbon dioxide , dissociation , gases , granulation , hydration , integral equations , rate constants , carbon dioxide utilization , co2 hydrates , decomposition rate constants , diffusion re... problem. To this end, the dynamical models of AC/DC hybrid isolated power system consisting of four power grids with renewable generation units and energy storage systems are proposed using the advanced methods based on deep reinforcement learning and integral equations. First, the wind and solar irradiance potential of several sites on the lake Baikal’s banks is analyzed as well as the electric load as a function of the climatic conditions. The optimal selection of the energy storage system components ...
Теги: forecasting , hybrid ac/dc power system , machine learning , renewable energy source , stochastic optimization , volterra models , deep learning , electric power generation , electric power transmission networks , energy storage , integral equations , lakes , optimizSidorov D., Tao Q., Muftahov I., Zhukov A., Karamov D., Dreglea A., Liu F. Energy balancing using charge/discharge storages control and load forecasts in a renewable-energy-based grids // Chinese Control Conference, CCC. Vol.2019-July. ID: 8865777. 2019. P.6865-6870. ISBN (print): 9789881563972. DOI: 10.23919/ChiCC.2019.8865777 Renewable-energy-based grids development needs new methods to maintain the balance between the load and generation using the efficient energy storages models. Most of the...
Теги: deep learning. , energy storage , forecasting , integral equations , inverse problem , machine learning , numerical methods , power systems , svmSolodusha S., Yaparova N. Numerical solutions of dynamic measurement challenges by volterra equations // Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing, ICIEAM 2018. ID: 8729132. ISBN (print): 9781538643075. DOI: 10.1109/ICIEAM.2018.8729132 This paper employs a new approach in the theory of dynamic measurements based on representing the model of a measuring device with the help of automatic control. We consider a special first kind Volterra...
Теги: dynamic measurements , first kind volterra equations , numerical solution , automation , digital arithmetic , heat conduction , integral equations , manufacture , comparative analysis , dynamic measurement , heat conduction problems , product integration methodsСолодуша С.В. Квадратичные и кубичные полиномы Вольтерра: идентификация и приложение // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Прикладная математика. Информатика. Процессы управления. Т.14. №2. 2018. C.131-144. DOI: 10.21638/11702/spbu10.2018.205 Центральная проблема при построении математической модели нелинейной динамической системы типа вход-выход в виде полинома Вольтерра N-го порядка заключается в идентификации ядер Вольтерра. В настоящее время предложены различные алгоритмы решения данной...
Теги: идентификация , identification , ядра вольтерра , volterra kernels , интегральные уравнения , integral equations , математическое моделирование , mathematical modeling... and decentralization of transport and heating loads in future power systems will result in a more complex unit commitment problem (UCP). This paper proposes an adaptive approach to load leveling problem using novel dynamic models based on the Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise continuous kernels. This approach employs a direct numerical method. The considered collocation-type numerical method has the second-order accuracy and enjoys self-regularization properties, which is ...
Теги: electric energy storage , electric power transmission networks , energy policy , integral equations , numerical methods , renewable energy resources , adaptive approach , confidence levels , piecewise-continu... implemented using the situation analysis tools based on semantic modeling. At the second level the simulation modeling is performed. An algorithm for construction of a set of current situations in the semantic model is based on the Volterra polynomial integral equations. The Newton-Kantorovich method was applied to develop an iterative method to approximately solve respective nonlinear equations. The paper demonstrates the specific features of numerically solving the studied equations with a fixed ...
Теги: iteration algorithm , maple , nonlinear dynamic systems , numerical solution , volterra polynomials , digital arithmetic , dynamical systems , dynamics , integral equations , iterative methods , nonlinear analysis , nonlinear dynamical systems , polynomials , semanticMarchenko O.V. Performance modeling of thermoelectric devices by perturbation method // International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Vol.129. 2018. P.334-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2018.03.006 A nonlinear differential heat conduction equation for a leg of a thermoelement with temperature-dependent thermoelectric material properties is reduced to an integral equation. Its solution is obtained by a perturbation method in the form of a series in terms of powers of parameters proportional to Thomson...
Теги: heat balance equations , heat conduction equation , perturbation method , thermoelectric coolers , thermoelectric generators , cooling systems , electronic equipment , heat conduction , integral equations , nonlinear equations , specific heat , thermoelectric equipm... Solution of A Class of Systems of Volterra Polynomial Equations of the First Kind // Numerical Analysis and Applications. Vol.11. №1. 2018. P.89-97. DOI: 10.1134/S1995423918010093 In this paper, a class of second-order systems of Volterra nonlinear integral equations is considered. This class is related to a problem of automatic control of a dynamic object with vector inputs and outputs. A numerical solution technique based on the Newton–Kantorovich method is considered. To verify the efficiency ...
Теги: newton–kantorovich method , numerical solution , systems of polynomial volterra equations of the first kind , automation , integral equations , numerical methods , polynomials , dynamic objects , kantorovich method , nonlinear integral equations , second-order syst