Shalaginova Z.I. Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.3. 2016. P.222-232. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516020075 The mathematical model and calculation method of the thermal-hydraulic modes of heat points, based on the theory of hydraulic circuits, being developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute are presented. The redundant circuit of...
Теги: calculations , complex networks , computer software , data handling , heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , hydraulic models , hydraulic structures , mathematical models , recShalaginova Z.I. The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.10. 2018. P.756-767. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518100075 The article deals with the issues of energy saving and increasing the efficiency of thermal energy. Energy saving issues are inextricably linked to the cost of heat for consumers. The costs of...
Теги: calculation method , differential nodal prices , heat supply networks , heat supply systems , mathematical modeling , thermal energy rates , thermohydraulic regimes , energy conservation , energy transfer , heat transfer , hydraulic models , mathematical models , mulTairov E.A., Khan P.V. Hydraulic and gas-dynamic models of a steam-water mixture flow in a granular bed // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1382. No.1. ID: 012101. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1382/1/012101 The paper presents a comparative analysis of the hydraulic and gas-dynamic models of a steam-water mixture flow through a granular bed. The analysis is carried out using experimental data obtained at an inlet pressure of 0.6 - 15.5 MPa, flow quality of 0.002 - 0.3, and mass velocity...
Теги: gas dynamics , hydraulic models , mixtures , packed beds , petroleum refining , quality control , steam , analytical integration , comparative analysis , constitutive relations , granular beds , inlet pressures