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"единая теплоснабжающая организация" "единый закупщик" bearings (machine parts) boiler houses centralization circuit theory commerce comparative analysis competition computation theory computational experiment control systems costs de-icing agents decentralization decentralized heat supply decentralized system diesel electric power plants distributed generation district heating district-heating companies eastern siberia ec economic characteristics economic damages economic indicators economics electric industry electric power industries electric power systems electricity supply electricity tariff energy conservation energy efficiency energy policy energy-saving measures engin far north flow distribution fuel cost fuel supply heat density heat energy heat energy market heat network heat networks heat pump efficiency heat pump systems heat pumps heat su heat supply heat supply systems heat tariff heating hot-water supply hydraulic circuits hydraulic equipment hydraulic machinery hydraulic operating modes hydraulic power image segmentation investments iterative calculation iterative methods lev mathematical modeling mathematical models measures mineral resources model and algorithms multi-level structures municipal heat supply sector municipal infrastructure municipality natural monopoly network equipment network infrastructure northern regions optimal actions optimal distri optimal flows optimization optimization criteria pipelines population variation pumps random processes reliability reliability requirements russian academy of sciences sales scientific center segmenta segmentation single buyer single heat supplier sliding bearing snow and ice removal solar buildings subsidies technical analysis thermal–hydraulic operating mode unified heat supply organization villages and towns water supply zoning альтернативная котельная децентрализация естественная монополия коммунальная инфраструктура коммунальная теплоэнергетика конкуренция котельная котельные мазут мероприятия муниципальное образование распределенная генерация сжиженный природный газ теплоснабжение теплоэлектроцентраль топливоснабжение уровни централизации энергоснабжения централизация экономические отношения электроснабжение


Результаты поиска ( Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате )

Developing a Procedure for Segmenting Meshed Heat Networks of Heat Supply Systems without Outflows

Tokarev V.V. Developing a Procedure for Segmenting Meshed Heat Networks of Heat Supply Systems without Outflows // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.6. 2018. P.400-409. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518060101 The heat supply systems of cities have, as a rule, a ring structure with the possibility of redistributing the flows. Despite ...

Теги: flow distribution , heat network , heat supply , hydraulic power , segmentation , thermal–hydraulic operating mode , image segmentation , iterative methods , hydraulic operating modes , iterative calculation , multi-level structures , optimization criteria , segmenta
Mathematical Modeling of the Heat Energy Market on a Single Heat Supplier Basis

... redundant design schemes and simple iteration. The developed mathematical models fully reflect the current “rules of the game” between heat energy producers and consumers and allow a maximum consideration for the interests of all participants of the heat supply process under physical and engineering constraints on heat energy sources and heat networks. By means of the developed mathematical models, practical studies are carried out on the effect of the adopted heat energy price calculation method ...

Теги: heat energy market , heat supply , mathematical modeling , optimization , single heat supplier , circuit theory , commerce , costs , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative methods , mathematical models , solar buildings , economic characteristics , engin
A formation of the heat pump mathematical models

Marinchenko A.Y., Edelev A.V. A formation of the heat pump mathematical models // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2638. 2020. P.191-200. DOI: 10.47350/ICCS-DE.2020.18 The paper addresses the mathematical modeling heat pump main elements and heat pump based heat supply systems. It is used in the calculating expected heat supply costs on the basis of a heat supply system functioning simulation. Using these models, the current state of the heat pump NT-60-1 located in the Baikal Museum of the Scientific Center ...

Теги: control systems , pumps , heat pump efficiency , heat pumps , heat supply , heat supply systems , russian academy of sciences , scientific center , heat pump systems
An Analysis of the Structure of Electricity and Heat Supply Subsidies in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Izhbuldin A.K., Dobrovolskaya T.V. An Analysis of the Structure of Electricity and Heat Supply Subsidies in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934166. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019....

Теги: electricity supply , electricity tariff , heat supply , heat tariff , subsidies , diesel electric power plants , electric industry , electric power systems , heating , comparative analysis , decentralized system , electric power industries , heat su
Теплоснабжение потребителей в условиях рынка: современное состояние и тенденции развития

Стенников В.А., Пеньковский А.В. Теплоснабжение потребителей в условиях рынка: современное состояние и тенденции развития // ЭКО. №3. 2019. C.8-20. В статье рассматриваются модели и методы по управлению теплоснабжением потребителей в условиях рыночной экономики. Описаны основные организационные формы теплоснабжающих систем в виде моделей «Единая теплоснабжающая организация» и «Единый закупщик», которые могут быть сформированы в населенных пунктах Российской Федерации. Проведен анализ развития различных...

Теги: теплоснабжение , конкуренция , естественная монополия , "единая теплоснабжающая организация" , "единый закупщик" , экономические отношения , альтернативная котельная , heat supply , competition , natural monopoly , unified heat supply organization , single buyer , ec
Features of heat energy supply of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) northern regions

Dobrovolskaya T., Stennikov V. Features of heat energy supply of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) northern regions // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04002. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197704002 Heat supply to remote customers residing in the Far North regions is related to certain difficulties. At the same time, due to climate features, providing heat to such customers has a high social significance. In this paper, we analyze the population ...

Теги: energy policy , mineral resources , sales , water supply , far north , fuel cost , heat energy , heat supply , heat supply systems , hot-water supply , northern regions , population variation , investments
Optimization of the reliability of heat supply with an active consumer

Postnikov I., Penkovsky A. Optimization of the reliability of heat supply with an active consumer // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 02004. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821202004 The paper formulates the problem of ensuring the reliability of the heat supply system due to the optimal distribution of reliability ...

Теги: computation theory , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , investments , random processes , reliability , computational experiment , heat supply , heat supply systems , hydraulic circuits , optimal distri
Optimization of the district heating zones

... heating zones // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 02005. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821202005 A method for determining the optimal action zones of the centralized sources of thermal energy is developed using the calculation of the effective heat supply radius of consumers. The methodology allows to take into account the features of heat supply systems' functioning, their technical and economic indicators, the uneven distribution of heat loads throughout the city, and limitations on the reliability ...

Теги: district heating , economics , economic indicators , heat supply , heat supply systems , optimal actions , optimal flows , reliability requirements , investments
Методический подход к выбору первоочередных мероприятий в системах коммунальной теплоэнергетики на примере Иркутской области

Стенников В.А., Добровольская Т.В., Еделева О.А., Пеньковский А.В., Постников И.В. Методический подход к выбору первоочередных мероприятий в системах коммунальной теплоэнергетики на примере Иркутской области // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №6 (137). 2018. C.169-182. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-6-169-182 ЦЕЛЬ. Представлено описание двухэтапного подхода к выбору территорий для проведения первоочередных мероприятий по повышению энергетической эффективности в системах коммунальной теплоэнергетики регионов...

Теги: коммунальная теплоэнергетика , коммунальная инфраструктура , municipal infrastructure , котельные , теплоснабжение , heat supply , мероприятия , measures , муниципальное образование , municipality , municipal heat supply sector , boiler houses
Impact of deicing agents on heat network corrosion

... The main objectives of this research were to assess the impact of the deicing agent on initiation and acceleration of corrosion of the heat network equipment (pipelines, nonmobile and sliding bearings), the effect of this corrosion on reliability of heat supply to consumers, and to determine the economic damage caused by the decline in service life of pipelines. In addition, the study identified additional circumstances of the detrimental effect of deicing agents on the heat network infrastructure ...

Теги: bearings (machine parts) , pipelines , reliability , snow and ice removal , de-icing agents , economic damages , heat supply , network equipment , network infrastructure , sliding bearing , technical analysis
