... characteristic parameters of the rectifier transformer integrated with linear filtering reactors are investigated in detail by theoretical analysis. Furthermore, a mathematical model and an equivalent model are established to reveal the mechanism of harmonic suppression and the advantage of damping harmonic resonance of SPS. Moreover, a coordinated control strategy is designed based on the theoretical analysis. Finally, a detailed case study validates the proposed CIPF method and indicates that this ...
Теги: active power filtering (apf) , harmonic , inductive filtering method , rectifier transformer , shipboard power system (sps) , harmonic compensation , conditionerKovernikova L.I., Van Chung L. An algorithm for modeling nonlinear loads based on field measurement parameters // Proceedings of International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP. 2018-May. 2018. P.1-6. ISBN (print): 9781538605172. DOI: 10.1109/ICHQP.2018.8378814 The paper presents an algorithm for modeling nonlinear loads connected to the nodes of HV network. Models of nonlinear loads are ...
Теги: harmonic , harmonic analysis , load modeling , power quality , electric load management , electric power transmission networks , nonlinear analysis , probability density function , quality control , rectifier substations , field measurKovernikova L. Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads [Rezultaty badania harmonicznych w sieci trakcyjnej z nieliniowym obcia{ogonek}żeniem] // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review). Vol.89. No.11. 2013. P.239-243. The paper ...
Теги: harmonic , measurement , railway substation , traction load... Active powers at the connection nodes of the non-linear loads to the high voltage network // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review). Vol.91. No.11. 2015. P.145-148. DOI: 10.15199/48.2015.11.36 The paper presents the results of an analysis of harmonic active powers at the nodes connecting the 220 kV supply network to three large-capacity nonlinear loads: an aluminum smelter shop, a paper mill and a traction substation. The equipment of the facilities is the source of harmonics. The measurements ...
Теги: harmonic , harmonic active power , measurementKovernikova L.I. Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads // 2013 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation, ISNCC 2013. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467363. DOI: 10.1109/ISNCC.2013.6604445 The paper presents the results ...
Теги: measurements , harmonic , harmonic parameters , high voltage networks , nonlinear load , railway substations , traction load , traction substation , harmonic analysis