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A Controllably Inductive Filtering Method With Transformer-Integrated Linear Reactor for Power Quality Improvement of Shipboard Power System

... characteristic parameters of the rectifier transformer integrated with linear filtering reactors are investigated in detail by theoretical analysis. Furthermore, a mathematical model and an equivalent model are established to reveal the mechanism of harmonic suppression and the advantage of damping harmonic resonance of SPS. Moreover, a coordinated control strategy is designed based on the theoretical analysis. Finally, a detailed case study validates the proposed CIPF method and indicates that this ...

Теги: active power filtering (apf) , harmonic , inductive filtering method , rectifier transformer , shipboard power system (sps) , harmonic compensation , conditioner
An algorithm for modeling nonlinear loads based on field measurement parameters

Kovernikova L.I., Van Chung L. An algorithm for modeling nonlinear loads based on field measurement parameters // Proceedings of International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP. 2018-May. 2018. P.1-6. ISBN (print): 9781538605172. DOI: 10.1109/ICHQP.2018.8378814 The paper presents an algorithm for modeling nonlinear loads connected to the nodes of HV network. Models of nonlinear loads are ...

Теги: harmonic , harmonic analysis , load modeling , power quality , electric load management , electric power transmission networks , nonlinear analysis , probability density function , quality control , rectifier substations , field measur
Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads [Rezultaty badania harmonicznych w sieci trakcyjnej z nieliniowym obcia{ogonek}żeniem]

Kovernikova L. Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads [Rezultaty badania harmonicznych w sieci trakcyjnej z nieliniowym obcia{ogonek}żeniem] // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review). Vol.89. No.11. 2013. P.239-243. The paper ...

Теги: harmonic , measurement , railway substation , traction load
Active powers at the connection nodes of the non-linear loads to the high voltage network

... Active powers at the connection nodes of the non-linear loads to the high voltage network // Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review). Vol.91. No.11. 2015. P.145-148. DOI: 10.15199/48.2015.11.36 The paper presents the results of an analysis of harmonic active powers at the nodes connecting the 220 kV supply network to three large-capacity nonlinear loads: an aluminum smelter shop, a paper mill and a traction substation. The equipment of the facilities is the source of harmonics. The measurements ...

Теги: harmonic , harmonic active power , measurement
Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads

Kovernikova L.I. Some results of research into harmonics in the high voltage networks with distributed nonlinear loads // 2013 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation, ISNCC 2013. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467363. DOI: 10.1109/ISNCC.2013.6604445 The paper presents the results ...

Теги: measurements , harmonic , harmonic parameters , high voltage networks , nonlinear load , railway substations , traction load , traction substation , harmonic analysis
