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Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media

Tairov E.A. Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.27. No.2. 2020. P.313-316. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864320020134 A new method is described for measuring the average void fraction of a one-component two-phase flow moving in a channel with a fixed porous aggregate. The known method of cutting off the flow is used but, in contrast, the vapor phase in the cut-off volume is transferred to the condensed state, and the released space is filled...

Теги: granular layer , measurement of void fraction , steam-water flow , flow of water , porous materials , void fraction , average void fraction , condensed state , cutting-off , fixed bed , porous aggregates , spherical particle , steam-water flows , vapor phase , two phas
Modeling the mass velocity and pressure drop of forced vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed

... drop of forced vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed // International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol.133. ID: 103466. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103466 The paper considers the approaches frequently used to model pressure drop in a granular layer. These are a model of a hydraulic circuit element, a Lockcart–Martinelli model, and a generalization of the Darcy–Forchheimer model. A new model, representing a generalization of the gas dynamics equations to a two-phase flow, is proposed....

Теги: calculation models comparison , experimental data , granular bed , mass velocity , pressure gradient , steam-water flow , drops , gas dynamics , hydraulic equipment , pressure drop , velocity , forchheimer models , gas dynamics equations , granular layer , hydraulic ci
Газодинамическая модель критического и докритического истечения пароводяной смеси через слой шаровых частиц

Таиров Э.А., Таирова Е.В., Хан П.В. Газодинамическая модель критического и докритического истечения пароводяной смеси через слой шаровых частиц // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №9. 2018. C.162-172. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-9-162-172 Цель. Дать расчетно-экспериментальное обоснование теоретической модели течения двухфазной парожидкостной смеси в неподвижном слое твердых частиц. Провести сопоставление результатов расчета с экспериментальными данными по докритическому и критическому истечению пароводяной...

Теги: зернистый слой , двухфазный поток , критическое и докритическое истечения , granular layer , two-phase flow , critical and subcritical flows
