... Explosion and Shock Waves. Vol.54. №3. 2018. P.337-344. DOI: 10.1134/S0010508218030103 The high efficiency of a combined cycle and the availability of systems for deep purification of syngas before combustion allow for the study of combined-cycle gas turbines as a promising solution to increase the efficiency and environmental friendliness of coal power engineering. The key element of the device is a gasifier. A Mitsubishi Heavy Industries gasifier is selected as an initial design for modernization,...
Теги: cfd , coal , gasification , integrated gasification combined cycle , modeling , thermogasdynamics , air purification , coal combustion , combined cycle power plants , computational fluid dynamics , efficiency , gas turbines , models , modernization , synthesis gas , com... of the current situation shows that predominantly foreign multistage wood biomass gasification technologies/plants have found practical application. These technologies allow the produced syngas to be directly used in internal combustion engines and gas turbines without employing expensive auxiliary detarring plants. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Статья в журнале
Теги: distributed power generation , gasifier , multistage gasification , syngas , tars , wood biomass , biomass , electric power systems , gas generators , gas plants , gas turbines , synthesis gas , tar , wood , commercial implementation , gasification efficiency , gasificatMikheev A.V., Potanina Y.M. Technical-economic evaluation of medium-power gas turbine plant with air bottoming cycle // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 07005. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911407005 A developed mathematical model of a gas turbine power plant with an additional air bottoming cycle to utilize heat of exhaust gases was used to carry out a technical and economic analysis. The approach used in the study is aimed at solving two types of optimization problems: (1) to determine the...
Теги: air bottoming cycle , efficiency , electric power , gas turbine , gas-turbine plant , waste heat recovery , combustion , costs , electric power generation , exhaust gases , gas turbine power plants , gas turbines , natural gasoline plants , waste heat , waste heat utilLachkov G., Fedyaev A. Cogeneration and power export as factors of the Nogliki gas turbine power plant expansion // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197704003 The paper focuses on the prospects for expansion of the Nogliki gas turbine power plant in terms of potential cogeneration of the Nogliki urban-type settlement of the Sakhalin region and power export from the Sakhalin Island to Japan. The state and problems of the Nogliki gas turbine power plant and heating...
Теги: boilers , energy policy , expansion , gas plants , gas turbines , petroleum prospecting , plant expansion , waste heat , boiler plants , heating system , sakhalin island , gas turbine power plantsVoropai N.I., Chulyakova M.V. Transient Stability Problems of Electic Power Systems with Distributed Generation // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602504. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602504 Reduction of negative consequences of large scale system emergencies with cascading development together with massive loss of supply of consumers and fast system restoration are possible by using...
Теги: control tools , distributed generation , electric power system , survivability , transient stability , distributed power generation , electric power system control , electric power systems , electric tools , gas turbines , large scale systems , stability , distributeStennikov V.A., Penkovsky A.V., Postnikov I.V. Hybrid power source based on heat and wind power plants // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.212. ID: 02002. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201821202002 The technology of use of electric power of the wind power plants for direct replacement of fuel in the thermal cycles of the heat power plants is offered in the paper. The technology avoids solving the problems of ensuring the quality of electricity and the operational redundancy of the wind power in the...
Теги: environmental technology , gas turbines , investments , steam turbines , wind power , combined cycle technology , direct replacements , expanding business , gas technologies , gas-turbine equipments , hybrid po