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Analysis of vulnerability of fuel supply systems in gas-consuming regions due to failure of critical gas industry facilities

Senderov S.M., Smirnova E.M., Vorobev S.V. Analysis of vulnerability of fuel supply systems in gas-consuming regions due to failure of critical gas industry facilities // Energy. Vol.212. No.1. ID: 118785. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118785 The paper proposes a new approach to the analysis of the vulnerability of fuel supply to regions that consume natural gas when critical facilities (CFs) of the gas industry stop operating. The feature distinguishing this approach from the known ones is that...

Теги: failure (mechanical) , fuel systems , gas fuel analysis , gases , iterative methods , natural gas , critical facilities , fuel supply , fuel supply systems , gas facilities , gas transmission networks , invarian
