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Detection of "bottlenecks" and ways to overcome emergency situations in gas transportation networks on the example of the European gas pipeline network

Voropai N.I., Senderov S.M., Edelev A.V. Detection of "bottlenecks" and ways to overcome emergency situations in gas transportation networks on the example of the European gas pipeline network // Energy. Vol.42. No.1. 2012. P.3-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2011.07.038 The paper presents a technique for detection of "bottlenecks" in gas transportation networks ...

Теги: bottleneck , gas , mitigation of emergency consequences , pipeline network , emergency situation , energy systems , gas pipeline networks , gas transportation , oil and gas , pipeline networks , energy management , energy resources , g
Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications

... A. Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications // Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol.143. No.5. 2017. P.1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000443 Energy systems including electricity, heat/cooling, and gas supply systems represent a very important part of the infrastructure in Russia. This paper presents a general framework of integrated energy systems. Elements of the concept of integrated energy systems are suggested. The explanation of the concept ...

Теги: integrated energy systems , mathematical modeling , critical infrastructures , elements of concept , case studies , optimal power-flow , optimal operation , combined heat , management , network , hubs , optimization , carriers , grids , gas
Investigation of the Efficiency of a Cogeneration Gas Turbine Unit with Heat Recovery of Flue Gases in the Far North

Kler A.M., Stepanova E.L. Investigation of the Efficiency of a Cogeneration Gas Turbine Unit with Heat Recovery of Flue Gases in the Far North // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934000. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019.8934000 ...

Теги: cogeneration gas turbine unit , efficiency of heat power equipment , mathematical modeling , optimization , utilization of the flue gases heat , waste-heat recovery , calculations , cogeneration plants , computer systems programming , costs , flue gases , flues , gas
Развитие ТЭК Камчатского края в условиях газификации

Карасевич А.М., Федяев А.В., Лачков Г.Г., Охорзин Ю.А., Филиппов А.Е. Развитие ТЭК Камчатского края в условиях газификации // Энергетическая политика. №4. 2011. C.83-92. В статье приводится характеристика особенностей топливно-энергетического комплекса Камчатского края. Рассматриваются стратегические направления развития топливно-энергетического комплекса во взаимосвязи с направлениями газификации региона. Показаны структурные изменения регионального топливно- энергетического баланса в связи с газификацией...

Теги: топливно-энергетический комплекс , fuel and energy , электроэнергетика , power , тепловое хозяйство , fuel supply , топливоснабжение , fuel and energy balance , газификация , топливно-энергетический баланс , thermal management , gas
Impact of gas supply system development scenarios on natural gas demand in the Baikal region

Izhbuldin A. Impact of gas supply system development scenarios on natural gas demand in the Baikal region // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04005. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197704005 The paper presents a methodology and results of studies on assessment of natural gas ...

Теги: competition , energy policy , gas supply , gases , pipelines , competitive prices , gas cost , gas demands , gas supply system , gas-condensate fields , natural gas demand , pipe-line systems , pipeline gas , gas
Coal gasification process simulations using combined kinetic-thermodynamic models in one-dimensional approximation

Donskoy I.G., Shamansky V.A., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A. Coal gasification process simulations using combined kinetic-thermodynamic models in one-dimensional approximation // Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol.21. No.3. 2017. P.529-559. DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2016.1259505 Mathematical models are developed for ...

Теги: gasification , coal , modelling , thermodynamics , kinetics , entrained-flow gasifier , biomass gasification , syngas , combustion , igcc , equilibrium , injection , gas
