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Linearization of differential algebraic equations with integral terms and their application to the thermal energy modelling

Chistyakova E.V., Chistyakov V.F., Levin A.A. Linearization of differential algebraic equations with integral terms and their application to the thermal energy modelling // Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software. Vol.11. No.4. 2018. P.94-109. DOI: 10.14529/mmp180407 Modelling of various natural and technical processes often results in systems that comprise ordinary differential equations and algebraic equations This paper studies...

Теги: consistency problem , differential algebraic equations , fredholm operator , index , initial problem , volterra operator
Solvability and bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear equations with fredholm operator

Sidorov N., Sidorov D., Dreglea A. Solvability and bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear equations with fredholm operator // Symmetry. Vol.12. No.6. ID: 912. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/SYM12060912 The necessary and sufficient conditions of existence of the nonlinear operator equations' branches of solutions in the neighbourhood of branching points are derived....

Теги: asymptotics , bifurcation points , branch points , fredholm operator , iterations , regularization , uniformization
On the Solvability of a Class of Volterra Operator Equations of the First Kind with Piecewise Continuous Kernels

Sidorov D.N., Sidorov N.A. On the Solvability of a Class of Volterra Operator Equations of the First Kind with Piecewise Continuous Kernels // Mathematical Notes. Vol.96. No.5-6. 2014. P.811-826. DOI: 10.1134/S0001434614110170 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS0001434614110170 We obtain sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of continuous solutions of Volterra operator equations of the first kind with piecewise determined kernels. For the case in which the solution is not...

Теги: volterra operator equation , banach space , asymptotic approximation , successive approximation method , fredholm point , fredholm operator , jordan set.
