... released space is filled with the measured amount of additional fluid. The result of verification using this method is presented for the previously proposed formula for calculating the void fraction of the adiabatic steam-water flow in a channel with a fixed bed of spherical particles. © 2020, E.A. Tairov. входит Статья в журнале
Теги: granular layer , measurement of void fraction , steam-water flow , flow of water , porous materials , void fraction , average void fraction , condensed state , cutting-off , fixed bed , porous aggregates , spherical particle , steam-water flows , vapor phase , two phasДонской И.Г. Математическое моделирование термического разложения древесных частиц в продуваемом слое // Вычислительные технологии. Т.23. №6. 2018. C.14-24. DOI: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.6.003 Рассмотрена задача термического разложения совокупности последовательно расположенных древесных частиц с учетом внешнего тепломассообмена с газовым потоком и внутренних физико-химических процессов (теплопроводность, диффузия, фильтрация, сушка и химическая реакция). Математическая модель строится из субмоделей...
Теги: биомасса , твердое топливо , одиночная частица , плотный слой , пиролиз , процессы переноса , biomass , solid fuel , single particle , fixed bed , pyrolysis , transfer processesSvishchev D.A., Kozlov A.N., Penzik M.V. Unstratified downdraft gasification: Conditions for pyrolysis zone existence // Energy Procedia. Vol.158. 2019. P.649-654. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.177 Traditionally, the process of downdraft gasification is considered as a sequence of conversion stages, primarily running in separate reaction zones of a bed. These zones include the zones of fuel drying, pyrolysis, oxidation and reduction. There are experimental data and modeling results that do not agree...
Теги: biomass , downdraft gasification , fixed-bed , pyrolysis zone , stratified downdraft , unstratified mechanism , air , fuels , gasification , sensitivity analysis , temperature measurement , cold gas efficiency , conversion process , fixed bed , oxidation and reductionDonskoi I.G., Keiko A.V., Kozlov A.N. et al. Mathematical modeling of the fixed-bed staged biomass gasification process // Renewable Bioresources. Vol.4. No.1. 2016. 6 p. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-6237-4-1. Biomass gasification is a technology suitable for small-scale power plants. This is a well-known and environmentally friendly way to convert biomass (such as forest and agricultural waste) into combustible fuel gas. However there are several disadvantages to overcome. Tarry gases call...
Теги: biomass gasification , staged gasification , fixed bed , equilibrium modeling , diffusion kinetics