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alternative energy supplies artificial intelligence calculation formula capacity reserves carbon-free energy technologies commerce cyber-physical systems decision making deep learning deep learning. direct discretization discontinuous kernels economic efficiency of energy resources efficiency assessment electric energies electric power generation electric power transmission networks electricity energy co energy consumption optimization energy converters energy cost energy efficiency energy hub energy management system energy resources energy storage energy storage systems energy systems energy technologies energy utilization external conditions forecasting gree hybrid ac/dc power system hydrogen industrial mathematics integral equations integrated energy system integrated power supply system intelligent control inverse problem inverse problems lakes load leveling machine learning midpoint rectangles multi-energy systems natural resources newton-kantorovich method nonlinear volterra equations numerical methods of optimiz polynomial-collocation schem power system adequacy power systems renewable energy resources renewable energy source smart powe stochastic optimization svm volterra models интегрированная система энергоснабжения мультиэнергетические системы накопители энергии оптимизация энергопотребления преобразователи энергии энергетический хаб


Результаты поиска ( Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате )

Nonlinear systems of Volterra equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Numerical solution and application for power systems operation

... process is proposed for a solution of the nonlinear systems of such weakly regular Volterra equations. Second, the proposed numerical method was tested both on synthetic examples and real world problems related to the dynamic analysis of microgrids with energy storage systems. © 2020 by the authors. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: direct discretization , discontinuous kernels , energy storage , inverse problem , load leveling , midpoint rectangles , newton-kantorovich method , nonlinear volterra equations , polynomial-collocation schem
Toward zero-emission hybrid AC/DC power systems with renewable energy sources and storages: A case study from Lake Baikal region

... development in ecologically vulnerable areas like the lake Baikal region in Eastern Siberia is a challenging problem. To this end, the dynamical models of AC/DC hybrid isolated power system consisting of four power grids with renewable generation units and energy storage systems are proposed using the advanced methods based on deep reinforcement learning and integral equations. First, the wind and solar irradiance potential of several sites on the lake Baikal’s banks is analyzed as well as the electric ...

Теги: forecasting , hybrid ac/dc power system , machine learning , renewable energy source , stochastic optimization , volterra models , deep learning , electric power generation , electric power transmission networks , energy storage , integral equations , lakes , optimiz
Machine learning for energy systems

Sidorov D., Liu F., Sun Y. Machine learning for energy systems // Energies. Vol.13. No.18. ID: 4708. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/en13184708 [No abstract available] входит Статья в журнале

Теги: artificial intelligence , cyber-physical systems , energy management system , energy storage , energy systems , forecasting , industrial mathematics , intelligent control , inverse problems , load leveling , of
A Study on Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Supply Based on the Energy Hub Concept

Voropai N., Ukolova E., Gerasimov D., Suslov K., Lombardi P., Komarnicki P. A Study on Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Supply Based on the Energy Hub Concept // Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019. ID: 8905736. ISBN (print): 9781538682180. DOI: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905736 The paper presents the principles of constructing a simulation model of an integrated multi-energy system based on the energy hub concept. An example of application of the developed...

Теги: economic efficiency of energy resources , energy consumption optimization , energy converters , energy hub , energy storage , integrated energy system , multi-energy systems , electric power transmission networks , energy resources , energy utilization , smart powe
Energy balancing using charge/discharge storages control and load forecasts in a renewable-energy-based grids

... CCC. Vol.2019-July. ID: 8865777. 2019. P.6865-6870. ISBN (print): 9789881563972. DOI: 10.23919/ChiCC.2019.8865777 Renewable-energy-based grids development needs new methods to maintain the balance between the load and generation using the efficient energy storages models. Most of the available energy storages models do not take into account such important features as the nonlinear dependence of efficiency on lifetime and changes in capacity over time horizon, the distribution of load between several ...

Теги: deep learning. , energy storage , forecasting , integral equations , inverse problem , machine learning , numerical methods , power systems , svm
Efficiency assessment of renewable energy sources

... explore the prospects for the development of energy technologies, including renewable energy sources. For the analysis of autonomous energy systems with RES, a simulation model was developed so as to treat the processes of production, consumption, and energy storage in their dynamics. The optimization version of the mathematical model eliminates the need for a pre-assignment of the energy flow control algorithm. In this case, it is possible to study systems with the simultaneous presence of several ...

Теги: commerce , decision making , energy efficiency , energy storage , natural resources , alternative energy supplies , calculation formula , efficiency assessment , energy technologies , external conditions , gree
Исследование мультиэнергетического объекта методами иммитационного моделирования

Воропай Н.И., Уколова Е.В., Герасимов Д.О., Суслов К.В., Ломбарди П., Комарчински П. Исследование мультиэнергетического объекта методами иммитационного моделирования // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №12. 2018. C.157-168. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-12-157-168 Рассмотрены принципы конструирования имитационной модели мультиэнергетического хаба. Исследован энергетический объект методами имитационного моделирования. Проведен анализ экономической эффективности от накопления электроэнергии и преобразования электроэнергии...

Теги: энергетический хаб , интегрированная система энергоснабжения , преобразователи энергии , накопители энергии , оптимизация энергопотребления , мультиэнергетические системы , energy hub , integrated power supply system , energy converters , energy storage , energy co
Assessment of Power System Adequacy with Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems

Krupenev D. Assessment of Power System Adequacy with Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 01012. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185801012 The paper deals with the problem of the accounting of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems in assessment of power system adequacy....

Теги: energy storage , natural resources , capacity reserves , electric energies , energy storage systems , power system adequacy , renewable energy source , renewable energy resources
The future energy: hydrogen versus electricity

... hydrogen and electricity production, conversion and storage are compared in terms of energy and economic expenditure for each stage of these technologies. The assessment shows that the electricity economy proves more preferable in the case of short-term energy storage, whereas the use of hydrogen is more beneficial in the case of long-term storage. This is indicative of the fact that the hydrogen economy and electricity economy can coexist in the energy of the future and each energy carrier can find ...

Теги: carbon-free energy technologies , electricity , energy cost , energy storage , hydrogen
