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Detection of "bottlenecks" and ways to overcome emergency situations in gas transportation networks on the example of the European gas pipeline network

Voropai N.I., Senderov S.M., Edelev A.V. Detection of "bottlenecks" and ways to overcome emergency situations in gas transportation networks on the example of the European gas pipeline network // Energy. Vol.42. No.1. 2012. P.3-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2011.07.038 The paper presents a technique for detection of "bottlenecks" in gas transportation networks in emergency situations. The described approach makes it possible to formulate the optimal ways to tackle negative consequences...

Теги: bottleneck , gas , mitigation of emergency consequences , pipeline network , emergency situation , energy systems , gas pipeline networks , gas transportation , oil and gas , pipeline networks , energy management , energy resources , g
Distinctive Features of Energy Demand Forecasting in the Non-Manufacturing Sector of the Economy

Gal'Perova E., Mazurova O. Distinctive Features of Energy Demand Forecasting in the Non-Manufacturing Sector of the Economy // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602537. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602537 The paper relevance is stipulated by significance of energy supply of the non-manufacturing sector to improve quality of population living. Difficulties in modeling and forecasting of...

Теги: energy demand , households , long-term forecasting , modeling , per capita energy consumption , service industry , economic and social effects , energy management , energy utilization , forecasting , manufacture , models , energy demands , per capita , service industri
