... equipment mix for the integrated gasification combined-cycle plant is demonstrated. The optimization calculations were carried out by the criterion of the minimum price of electricity for a given internal rate of return on investment and the maximum energy efficiency of the plant. Several optimal solutions meeting the different criteria are obtained. The proposed approach can be used for optimization of flowcharts and parameters of other complicated energy plants (high-efficiency combined-cycle plants,...
Теги: branch-and-bound method , mathematical modeling , methods of optimization , mixed-integer programming , reversible processes , thermal power plants , combined cycle power plants , earnings , energy efficiency , flowcharting , integer programming , investments , large... implementation of the energy-saving strategy // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.24. №2. 2020. P.115-123. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0059 This paper proposes a two-stage approach to choose the priority municipal units for implementing required energy efficiency measures in a district heating system. On the first stage the existing state of district heating system of Irkutsk region (Eastern Siberia) was analysed. On the second stage the choice of municipal units is considered as the Multiple ...
Теги: district heating systems , energy efficiency measures , energy-saving strategy , heat tariff , indicative analysis , multiple criteria analysis , municipal units , subsidization indicator , energy conservation , energy efficiency , heating , methodology , multicriterStennikov V.A., Mednikova E.E. Analysis of trends in the development of cities’ heat supply systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.9. 2016. P.657-665. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516090068 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS0040601516090068 New challenges—including the modern urban development policy, formation of the market of energy efficient technologies and different types of equipment of a broad power capacity range, tightening requirements to reliability, quality, and economic accessibility...
Теги: efficiency , energy efficiency , hydraulic equipment , planning , thermal load , urban growth , zoning , centralization levels , decentralized heating , energy efficient technology , heat load density , heat supTyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S., Elsukov P.Y., Sushko S.N. Analysis of the efficiency of energy systems of long-distance energy transport // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.124. ID: 01038. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201912401038 The article presents the results of the comparative efficiency of energy systems for the transfer of natural gas energy over long distances from large deposits to final consumers. The result of the research is the limits of competitiveness of systems based on direct current transmissions...
Теги: energy efficiency , liquefied natural gas , synthetic fuels , comparative efficiencies , direct current transmissions , energy systems , energy transport , natural gas energy , synthetic liquid fuels , naturalMarchenko O.V., Solomin S.V. Efficiency assessment of renewable energy sources // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 05001. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911405001 A review of the methods and models used at the ESI SB RAS to assess the effectiveness of renewable energy sources (RES) was carried out. Criteria were formulated and calculation formulas were given for a preliminary assessment of the competitiveness of renewable energy sources as compared to alternative energy supply options. A mathematical...
Теги: commerce , decision making , energy efficiency , energy storage , natural resources , alternative energy supplies , calculation formula , efficiency assessment , energy technologies , external conditions , gree... for every optimal design energy systems problem according to the purposes of the study to determine various aspects of equipment configuration, investment and a proposed unit commitment on a case-by-case basis. The studies, taking under consideration energy efficiency of renewable energy units, are particularly important as environmental safety standards are increasing. In the paper optimal design of prosumer energy supply system problem in the intelligent integrated energy system was investigated....
Теги: boilers , cost effectiveness , energy efficiency , energy resources , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , optimal systems , pipelines , solar heating , cost effectiveness analysis , district energy systMuzychuk R. The information system for the regional energy balance formation // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02005. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197702005 A study of the energy efficiency of the fuel and energy complex of the regions has a great attention. For an integrated introduction of trends and patterns in the energy sector, approaches we use based on the analysis of the fuel and energy balance (FEB). The function ...
Теги: energy balance , energy policy , energy resources , fuels , energy sector , statistical information , energy efficiencyСтенников В.А., Добровольская Т.В., Пеньковский А.В., Постников И.В., Соколов П.А. Позиционирование Иркутской области в сфере энергосбережения среди регионов Сибирского федерального округа // Известия вузов. Инвестиции. Строительство. Недвижимость. Т.8. №1 (24). 2018. C.187-199. ЦЕЛЬ. Анализировалось состояние энергосбережения и повышения энергетической эффективности в Иркутской области, как в разрезе Сибирского федерального округа, так и по муниципальным образованиям. С этой целью проводился мониторинг...
Теги: энергосбережение , энергетическая эффективность , energy efficiency , приборы учета , metering devices , энергоемкость , energy intensity , рейтинг , rating , удельные показатели , specific indicators , energy savingСтенников В.А., Головщиков В.О. О реализации законодательства в области энергоэффективности и энергосбережения // Энергобезопасность и энергосбережение. №2. 2018. C.40-45. DOI: 10.18635/2071-2219-2018-2-40-45 Основные целевые установки Федерального закона № 261 «Об энергосбережении...» в полном объеме на сегодняшний день так и не достигнуты. Причины этого заключаются, в том числе, в ряде существенных недостатков самого закона. Относительно медленная реализация основных положений закона осуществляется...
Теги: энергосбережение , энергоэффективность , energy efficiency , нормативно-правовые акты , система теплоснабжения , heat supply system , распределительный электросетевой комплекс , power distribution grid , energy conservation , policies and regulationsСанеев Б.Г., Соколов А.Д., Музычук С.Ю., Музычук Р.И. Энергоэффективность Иркутской области - потенциал роста // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №6. 2018. C.152-168. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-6-152-168 ЦЕЛЬ. На основе топливно-энергетических балансов выполнить энергоэкономический анализ Иркутской области, определить наиболее значимые факторы, влияющие на энергоэффективность, выявить потенциал ее роста. МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании использован созданный авторами методический подход, основанный на методах экономико-математического...
Теги: топливно-энергетический комплекс , fuel and energy complex , топливно-энергетические ресурсы , fuel and energy resources , энергоэффективность , energy efficiency , методический подход , methodological approach , топливно-энергетический баланс , fuel and energy ba