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1986-1990 five year plan abstract only adaptability boilers calculation method cogeneration plants combinatorial mathematics combinatorial modelling comparative analysis computation theory computer simulation decision support decision support systems differential nodal prices directed graphs distributed computer systems distributed computing environment district heating systems eastern regions eastern siberia economic analysis economic development economic variables energy energy conservation energy conversion energy conversion technologies energy development energy development program energy dissipation energy efficiency energy efficiency measures energy policy energy policy - ussr energy resources - research energy sector energy security energy syste energy systems energy transfer energy utilization energy-saving measures energy-saving strategy forecasting fuel economy fuels fundamental changes heat supply heat supply networks heat supply system heat supply systems heat tariff heat transfer heating hydraulic models indicative analysis liquefied natural gas liquefied petroleum gas mathematical modeling mathematical models methodology mul multicriter multiple criteria analysis municipal units natural gas natural gasoline plants oil and natural gas policies and regulations power distribution grid power generation power plants - research proven reserves quali r resilience subsidization indicator sustainable development sustainable energy systems engineering - research systems science and cybernetics thermal energy rates thermohydraulic regimes uncertainty analysis villages and towns нормативно-правовые акты распределительный электросетевой комплекс система теплоснабжения энергосбережение энергоэффективность


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The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems

Shalaginova Z.I. The Development of a Method for Calculating the Nodal Prices of the Thermal Energy by Modeling the Thermal and Hydraulic Regimes of the Heat Supply Systems for Solving Control and Optimization Problems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.10. 2018. P.756-767. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518100075 The article deals with the issues of energy saving and increasing the efficiency of thermal energy. Energy saving issues are inextricably linked to the cost of heat for consumers. The costs of...

Теги: calculation method , differential nodal prices , heat supply networks , heat supply systems , mathematical modeling , thermal energy rates , thermohydraulic regimes , energy conservation , energy transfer , heat transfer , hydraulic models , mathematical models , mul
Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy

Stennikov V., Postnikov I., Edeleva O. Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.24. №2. 2020. P.115-123. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0059 This paper proposes a two-stage approach to choose the priority municipal units for implementing required energy efficiency measures in a district heating system. On the first stage the existing state of district heating system of Irkutsk region...

Теги: district heating systems , energy efficiency measures , energy-saving strategy , heat tariff , indicative analysis , multiple criteria analysis , municipal units , subsidization indicator , energy conservation , energy efficiency , heating , methodology , multicriter
Comparative analysis of heat supply options for small and middle-sized settlements of Eastern Siberia by using uncertain and fuzzy information

Khan V.V., Dekanova N.P., Khan P.V. Comparative analysis of heat supply options for small and middle-sized settlements of Eastern Siberia by using uncertain and fuzzy information // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1369. No.1. ID: 012011. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1369/1/012011 The problems of heat supply in small and medium-sized settlements of Eastern Siberia are considered. Variants of using cogeneration heat plant (CHP) or boiler plant on coal or wood waste, the use of liquid petroleum...

Теги: boilers , cogeneration plants , energy conservation , heat transfer , liquefied natural gas , liquefied petroleum gas , natural gasoline plants , power generation , uncertainty analysis , comparative analysis
Trends and regularities of energy development in Russia's eastern regions: Methods and results of research

Sokolov A., Muzychuk S., Muzychuk R. Trends and regularities of energy development in Russia's eastern regions: Methods and results of research // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02002. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197702002 Russia's energy sector is the basis for the national economic development. At present, the importance of the eastern direction in the energy policy of Russia is growing. A computer simulation of energy development processes in the eastern regions of Russia (Siberian and...

Теги: economic analysis , energy conservation , energy dissipation , energy policy , fuel economy , fuels , sustainable development , eastern regions , economic development , energy development , energy sector , quali
Energy Resilience Assessment in the Period of Transition to Sustainable Energy

Loktionov V.I. Energy Resilience Assessment in the Period of Transition to Sustainable Energy // 2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602622. 2019. ISBN (print): 9781538695357. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2018.8602622 The resilience of energy systems has become one of the key factors ensuring the reliability and security of energy supplies in the world. While Russia possesses large oil and natural gas reserves together with a large...

Теги: adaptability , energy security , energy systems , resilience , sustainable energy , energy conservation , energy conversion , natural gas , natural gasoline plants , proven reserves , energy conversion technologies , fundamental changes , oil and natural gas , r
О реализации законодательства в области энергоэффективности и энергосбережения

Стенников В.А., Головщиков В.О. О реализации законодательства в области энергоэффективности и энергосбережения // Энергобезопасность и энергосбережение. №2. 2018. C.40-45. DOI: 10.18635/2071-2219-2018-2-40-45 Основные целевые установки Федерального закона № 261 «Об энергосбережении...» в полном объеме на сегодняшний день так и не достигнуты. Причины этого заключаются, в том числе, в ряде существенных недостатков самого закона. Относительно медленная реализация основных положений закона осуществляется...

Теги: энергосбережение , энергоэффективность , energy efficiency , нормативно-правовые акты , система теплоснабжения , heat supply system , распределительный электросетевой комплекс , power distribution grid , energy conservation , policies and regulations

Melent'ev L.A. BASIC RESULTS AND TASKS OF SYSTEMS RESEARCH IN POWER ENGINEERING. // Power engineering New York. Vol.23. №5. 1985. P.1-7. The most important results of work by Soviet academic and industry institutes in the field of power-engineering research between 1981 and 1984 are considered. The tasks of such research for 1985 and the 1986-1990 period are defined from the theoretical, methodological, and scientific and technical aspects. нет

Теги: energy policy - ussr , energy resources - research , power plants - research , systems engineering - research , systems science and cybernetics , 1986-1990 five year plan , energy conservation , energy syste

Melentyev L.A., Makarov A.A., Gershenzon M.A., Makarova A.S., Papin A.A. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF LONG-TERM ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES. // Proc. of the Energy Modelling Studies and Conservation, Proceedings of a Seminar of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 1982. ISBN (print): 0080274161. [No abstract available] нет

Теги: abstract only , computer simulation , economic variables , energy conservation , energy development program , forecasting , energy utilization
Heat Supply of Villages and Towns of Eastern Siberia. Problems and Ways of Development

Khan V.V., Dekanova N.P., Khan P.V. Heat Supply of Villages and Towns of Eastern Siberia. Problems and Ways of Development // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.262. No.1. ID: 012081. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/262/1/012081 The ways for improving heat supply energy efficiency in small and medium settlements of Eastern Siberia are considered by the example of Irkutsk oblast. When choosing the energy saving measures, one must take into account a complex system of factors...

Теги: energy conservation , eastern siberia , energy-saving measures , heat supply , villages and towns , energy efficiency
The combinatorial modelling approach to study sustainable energy development of Vietnam

Edelev A., Zorkaltsev V., Gorsky S., Van Binh D., Nam N.H. The combinatorial modelling approach to study sustainable energy development of Vietnam // Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol.793. 2017. P.207-218. ISBN (print): 9783319712543. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71255-0_16 The article describes the combinatorial modelling approach to the research of energy sector development. The idea of the approach is to model a system development in the form of a directed graph which nodes correspond...

Теги: combinatorial modelling , decision support , distributed computing environment , energy sector , combinatorial mathematics , computation theory , decision support systems , directed graphs , distributed computer systems , energy conservation , energy policy , energy
