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active consumers active powe adaptive control systems additional stress adequacy adequacy analysis adequacy assessment agent model agent modeling agn air storage algorithms analysis method artificial intelligence assessment asynchronous generators automation available transfer capability bad data detection bad data detections bidirecti bilevel optimization biomass boundary conditions capacity market capacity markets caucasus central asia characteristic functions charge and discharge management circuit theory commerce commercial implementation comparative analysis competition competitive equilibrium computation theory computational efficiency computational experiment computer crime constrained load flow construction principle consumer behavior continuous development control control actions control and protection systems control center control problems control system analysis control system stability control systems control theory control tools cooperative game cooperative game theory copper smelting cost effectiveness cost-effectiveness costs crime critical infrastructures critical problems curve fitting cyber attack cyber attacks cyber security cyber-attacks data acquisition data handling dc zonal electrical distribution system dc-dc converters decentralized system decision making decision trees demand response distributed power generation dynamic state estimation e electric industry electric lines electric load flow electric load management electric power electric power generation electric power industries electric power integration electric power measurement electric power plant loads electric power system electric power system control electric power system interconnection electric power system measurement electric power system security electric power systems electric power systems (eps) electric power transmission networks electric transmission electric utilities electricity demands electricity market electricity supply emergency control energy systems expansion expansion planning flexibility forecasting gas turbines generating companies generating equipments generating unit generation capacity interco intersystem large scale systems learning systems liberalization machine learning measurement measurements monte carlo method monte carlo methods network security neural networks oligopoly operations research optimiza optimization power control power generation power markets power quality power system controls problem solving profitability quality control reliability reliability analysis resource adequacy scada smart power grids solar energy soviet union stability state estimation support vector machines systems science and cybernetics - large scale systems total transfer capability wind


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Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method

Krupenev D., Boyarkin D., Iakubovskii D. Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method // Reliability Engineering & System Safety. Vol.204. ID: 107171. 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2020.107171 The reliability of energy systems is assessed to control their operation and expansion. An effective ...

Теги: machine learning , monte carlo method , power system , random sequences , reliability , computational efficiency , decision trees , electric power systems , learning systems , reliability analysis , support vector machines , control problems , energy systems , free st
Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems

Voropai NI, Golub II, Efimov DN, Iskakov AB, Yadykin IB Spectral and Modal Methods for Studying Stability and Control of Electric Power Systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.81. No.10. 2020. P.1751-1774. DOI: 10.1134/S000511792010001X The paper provides an overview of spectral and modal analysis methods for studying the stability of electric power systems (EPSs) ...

Теги: control , electric power systems , modal analysis , model order reduction , spectral analysis , stability assessment , sub-gramians , control system stability , electric power system control , stability , analysis method , control actions , gramians , modal method , sm
Machine learning in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method

Boyarkin D.A., Krupenev D.S., Iakubovskii D.V. Machine learning in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method // Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software. Vol.11. No.4. 2018. P.146-153. DOI: 10.14529/mmp180411 The article ...

Теги: adequacy assessment , electric power systems , machine learning , monte carlo method
A Suite of Intelligent Tools for Early Detection and Prevention of Blackouts in Power Interconnections

... of intelligent tools based on the integration of methods of agent modeling and machine learning for the improvement of protection systems and emergency automatics. We propose an online approach to the assessment and management of dynamic security of electric power systems (EPS) with the use of a streaming modification of the random forest algorithm. The suite allows to recognize dangerous modes of complex closed-loop EPS, preventing the risk of emergencies on early stages. We show results of experimental ...

Теги: agent modeling , electric power systems , emergency automatics , l-index , machine learning , voltage collapse , artificial intelligence , decision trees , electric power system interconnection , learning systems , online systems , software agents , agent model , elec
Electric Power System Transformations: A Review of Main Prospects and Challenges

Voropai N Electric Power System Transformations: A Review of Main Prospects and Challenges // Energies. Vol.13. No.21. 2020. DOI: 10.3390/en13215639 The paper deals with the main prospects and challenges of radical transformations of electric power systems (EPSs) with changes in their structure and properties conditioned by wide use of innovative energy-related technologies and digitalization and intellectualization of system operation and control. Structural trends of EPS development ...

Теги: electric power systems , innovative technologies , transformation , trends , structure , properties , flexibility , survivability (resiliency) , control and protection systems , grids
A Review of Technologies for Multistage Wood Biomass Gasification

Mednikov A.S. A Review of Technologies for Multistage Wood Biomass Gasification // Thermal Engineering . Vol.65. No.8. 2018. P.531-546. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601518080037 Currently, small-scale distributed power generation is being intensively developed in Russia and abroad. Given the rise in the rates for the electric and thermal energy, the development of new territories, and the technical infeasible connection to the power supply system, one of the most promising variants of supplying isolated consumers...

Теги: distributed power generation , gasifier , multistage gasification , syngas , tars , wood biomass , biomass , electric power systems , gas generators , gas plants , gas turbines , synthesis gas , tar , wood , commercial implementation , gasification efficiency , gasificat
An Analysis of the Structure of Electricity and Heat Supply Subsidies in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Izhbuldin A.K., Dobrovolskaya T.V. An Analysis of the Structure of Electricity and Heat Supply Subsidies in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934166. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019.8934166 Ensuring uninterrupted and high-quality power supply to the Arctic and Northern territories of the Republic is of high social importance, as well as a priority...

Теги: electricity supply , electricity tariff , heat supply , heat tariff , subsidies , diesel electric power plants , electric industry , electric power systems , heating , comparative analysis , decentralized system , electric power industries , heat su
Assessment of Feasible Power Supply Options for New Projects in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Ivanova I.Y., Korneev A.G., Tuguzova T.F. Assessment of Feasible Power Supply Options for New Projects in the Arctic Zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934060. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019.8934060 The paper gives consideration to the projected development of mineral deposits in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Their need for power and...

Теги: cost-effectiveness , electrical loads , influencing factors , mineral resource development projects , power consumption , power supply options , cost effectiveness , electric power generation , electric power systems , electric power utilization , environmental tec
Multi-output regression in electric power systems adequacy assessment using monte-carlo method

Boyarkin D., Krupenev D., Iakubovskii D. Multi-output regression in electric power systems adequacy assessment using monte-carlo method // SIBIRCON 2019 - International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Proceedings. ID: 8958279. 2019. P.690-694. ISBN (print): 9781728144016. DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON48586....

Теги: adequacy assessment , energy power system , machine learning , monte-carlo , computational efficiency , electric power systems , learning systems , nonlinear programming , computational experiment , effective approaches , non-linear optimiza
Reliability of Power Systems

....1007/978-3-030-18736-1 This book presents essential methods and tools for research into the reliability of energy systems. It describes in detail the content setting, formalisation, and use of algorithms for assessing the reliability of modern, large, and complex electric power systems. The book uses a wealth of tables and illustrations to represent results and source information in a clear manner. It discusses the main operating conditions which affect the reliability of electric power systems, and describes ...

Теги: power systems reliability , reliability assessment , electric power systems , reliability and probability theory , load flow and factors
