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adequacy assessment agricultural wastes air bottoming cycle air purification air-blown gasification alternative technologies analysis analysis process artificial intelligence autonomous power sources biomass centralization levels cfd coal coal combustion cogeneration cogeneration plants com combined cycle power plants combustion combustion equipment computational efficiency computational fluid dynamics control parameters controlling p costs cracking (chemical) decentralized heating decision trees different stages district heating district heating system drying effect of temperature effective efficiencies efficiency electric power electric power generation electric power systems en energy efficiency energy efficient technology engines entrained flow entrained flow gasifiers exhaust gases exhaust systems (engine) forecast fuel compositions gas turbine gas turbine power plants gas turbines gas-turbine plant gasification gasification process graphical analysis graphical visualization heat engines heat load density heat sup heating equipment high-temperature air heating hydraulic equipment i integrated gasification combined cycle internal combustion engines investment learning systems life cycle machine learning mathematical modeling mathematical models modeling models modernization monte carlo method natural gasoline plants northern regions off-grid power systems pipelines planning plants power engineering power-generation problem solving process pyrolysis random forest regenerative ceramic heat exchangers regenerators regime maps small-scale power plants solar plants staged gasification support vector mach support vector machine synthesis gas technologies temperature thermal load thermodynamic stability thermogasdynamics uncertainty urban growth waste heat waste heat recovery waste heat util waste incineration wind farms wood wood biomass. mathematical modeling zoning автономные энергоисточники дальний восток инвестиции когенерация неопределенность прогноз северные регионы солнечные установки энергетика эффективность


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Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers

Donskoy I.G. Influence of Coal-Biomass Fuel Composition on the Efficiency of its Conversion in Entrained-Flow Gasifiers // Solid Fuel Chemistry. Vol.53. No.2. 2019. P.113-119. DOI: 10.3103/S0361521919020046 Abstract: Co-gasification process of coal and plant biomass mixtures in entrained flow of oxygen and steam ...

Теги: biomass , coal , entrained flow , gasification , mathematical modeling , efficiency , mathematical models , temperature , control parameters , effect of temperature , entrained flow gasifiers , fuel compositions , gasification process , process
Numerical investigation of the staged gasification of wet wood

... staged processes is investigated in this paper. For this purpose, mathematical models were developed for individual stages of the process, such as pyrolysis, pyrolysis gas combustion, and semicoke gasification. The effect of controlling parameters on the efficiency of fuel conversion into combustible gases is studied numerically using these models. For the controlling parameter are selected heat inputted into a pyrolysis reactor, the excess of oxidizer during gas combustion, and the wood moisture content....

Теги: regime maps , staged gasification , wood biomass. mathematical modeling , agricultural wastes , biomass , combustion , cracking (chemical) , drying , efficiency , pyrolysis , thermodynamic stability , waste incineration , wood , alternative technologies , controlling p
Modernization of Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasifier of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Plant

... Abaimov N.A., Donskoi I.G., Svishchev D.A. Modernization of Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasifier of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Plant // Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. Vol.54. №3. 2018. P.337-344. DOI: 10.1134/S0010508218030103 The high efficiency of a combined cycle and the availability of systems for deep purification of syngas before combustion allow for the study of combined-cycle gas turbines as a promising solution to increase the efficiency and environmental friendliness of coal ...

Теги: cfd , coal , gasification , integrated gasification combined cycle , modeling , thermogasdynamics , air purification , coal combustion , combined cycle power plants , computational fluid dynamics , efficiency , gas turbines , models , modernization , synthesis gas , com
Analysis of trends in the development of cities’ heat supply systems

... requirements to reliability, quality, and economic accessibility of heat supply—enhance the competitiveness of decentralized heat supply. In addition, its spontaneous growth and not always reasonable implementation lead to unjustified expenses, low efficiency, and ecological inconsistency. This proves the relevance of solving the problems of dividing an urban territory into zones of centralized heating (CH) and decentralized heating (DCH) along with their planning and justification, as well as determining ...

Теги: efficiency , energy efficiency , hydraulic equipment , planning , thermal load , urban growth , zoning , centralization levels , decentralized heating , energy efficient technology , heat load density , heat sup
Technical-economic evaluation of medium-power gas turbine plant with air bottoming cycle

... with an additional air bottoming cycle to utilize heat of exhaust gases was used to carry out a technical and economic analysis. The approach used in the study is aimed at solving two types of optimization problems: (1) to determine the maximum net efficiency of the power plant and (2) to adjust the equipment and operating parameters for achieving minimum costs of electricity production. The study shows that the air bottoming cycle provides an increase in the net efficiency up to 44 - 48% and adds ...

Теги: air bottoming cycle , efficiency , electric power , gas turbine , gas-turbine plant , waste heat recovery , combustion , costs , electric power generation , exhaust gases , gas turbine power plants , gas turbines , natural gasoline plants , waste heat , waste heat util
Efficiency increasing by development of district heating systems operational modes using graphical analysis

Tokarev V.V., Alekseev A.V., Shalaginova Z.I. Efficiency increasing by development of district heating systems operational modes using graphical analysis // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.102. ID: 04003. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201910204003 The tasks of analyzing, developing and justifying of the ...

Теги: district heating , efficiency , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , life cycle , pipelines , analysis process , different stages , district heating system , graphical analysis , graphical visualization , i
Автономные энергоисточники на севере Дальнего Востока: характеристика и направления диверсификации

Санеев Б.Г., Иванова И.Ю., Тугузова Т.Ф., Ижбулдин А.К. Автономные энергоисточники на севере Дальнего Востока: характеристика и направления диверсификации // Пространственная экономика. №1. 2018. C.101-116. DOI: 10.14530/se.2018.1.101-116 В статье дана характеристика автономных энергоисточников северных регионов Дальнего Востока. Показаны структуры мощности с выделением производственных и коммунальных автономных энергоисточников. Одной из основных проблем энергоснабжения коммунальных потребителей...

Теги: off-grid power systems , автономные энергоисточники , autonomous power sources , когенерация , cogeneration , small-scale power plants , wind farms , солнечные установки , solar plants , эффективность , efficiency , северные регионы , northern regions , дальний восток

Kler A.M., Marinchenko A.Y., Potanina Y.M. DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE CERAMIC HEAT EXCHANGERS OF PERIODIC ACTION // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.329. №3. 2018. P.26-35. The relevance of research is conditioned by the need to create and develop heat power plants, in which the processes of electric power generation are combined with the processes of coal gasification. Interest in this direction is explained by large...

Теги: high-temperature air heating , regenerative ceramic heat exchangers , integrated gasification combined cycle , air-blown gasification , mathematical modeling , power-generation , technologies , regenerators , combustion , efficiency , plants
Machine learning in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method

... method // Proceedings - 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, SIBIRCON 2017. ID: 8109871. P.201-205. ISBN (print): 9781538615966. DOI: 10.1109/SIBIRCON.2017.8109871 This paper deals with the computational efficiency related problem appearing in electric power systems adequacy assessment using Monte-Carlo method. To attack this problem the novel method is suggested to reduce number of random states to be analyzed. The machine learning methods are employed ...

Теги: adequacy assessment , electric power systems , machine learning , monte carlo method , random forest , support vector machine , artificial intelligence , computational efficiency , decision trees , efficiency , learning systems , problem solving , support vector mach
Modeling of Combined Heat and Power Plant Based on a Multi-stage Gasifier and Internal Combustion Engines of Various Power Outputs

... combustion engine and mini combined heat and power plant (ICE-CHP). The system is based on multi-stage wood biomass gasification. The use of producer gas in the system affects negatively the internal combustion engine performance and, therefore, reduces the efficiency of the ICE-CHP plant. A mathematical model of an internal combustion engine running on low-calorie producer gas was developed using an overview of Russian and foreign manufacturers of reciprocating units, that was made in the research. A thermal ...

Теги: cogeneration plants , combustion , combustion equipment , efficiency , engines , exhaust gases , exhaust systems (engine) , gasification , heat engines , internal combustion engines , effective efficiencies , en
