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alternative options analytical calculation autonomous energy source autonomous energy system carbon dioxide carbon tax coal cogeneration competiti competition competitiveness computer simulation computer software cost of energy costs decentralized consumer decision making economic and environmental benefits economic and social effects economic efficiency economic indicators economic mathematical models electric power generation electric power transmission networks electricity cost electricity costs emission control energy characteristics energy efficiency energy model energy policy energy resources energy supplies energy use environmental constraints environmental restrictio equilibrium thermodynamics estimation flow distribution forecast fossil fuel power plants fossil fuels fuels gas-generating power plants gasoline gasoline fractions global warming heat supply systems heating network hydraulic calculation hydrocarbon synthesis hydrocarbons impact of factors liquid hydrocarbons mathematical expectation mathematical model mathematical modeling methanol method methodological approach modeling and optimization multicircuit natural resources nuclear energy nuclear fuels nuclear power generation off-grid consumers operating condition operating modes optimization optimization calculati payback period payment for emissions phase separation phase-separation pro plants power-engineering plant renewable energy renewable energy sources simulation models solar energy steam turbines thermal-hydraulic model thermodynamics user interfaces wood biomass wood gasification wood gasification mini-chp wood resources wood waste wps автономная энергосистема аналитический расчет газификация газогенераторные электростанции гидравлический расчет древесная биомасса когенерация конкурентоспособность математическая модель многоконтурность потокораспределение ресурсы древесины солнечная энергия стоимость электроэнергии тепловая сеть экономическая эффективность


Результаты поиска ( Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате )

Mathematical Modeling of Plants for the Combined Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Electricity Based on Coal

... hydrocarbon synthesis unit with power-engineering plants for the synthesis of methanol from coal are considered. Based on the results of studies of the unit for the synthesis of hydrocarbons from methanol, including detailed material and thermal balances, the economic efficiency conditions of the conversion of methanol produced from coal into liquid hydrocarbons at a single plant are estimated. © 2020, Allerton Press, Inc. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: coal , gasoline , mathematical modeling , methanol , power-engineering plant , hydrocarbons , phase separation , thermodynamics , economic efficiency , equilibrium thermodynamics , gasoline fractions , hydrocarbon synthesis , liquid hydrocarbons , phase-separation pro
Economic efficiency assessment of using wood waste in cogeneration plants with multi-stage gasification

Marchenko O., Solomin S., Kozlov A., Shamanskiy V., Donskoy I. Economic efficiency assessment of using wood waste in cogeneration plants with multi-stage gasification // Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol.10. №21. ID: 7600. 2020. P.1-15. DOI: 10.3390/app10217600 The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness ...

Теги: cogeneration , cost of energy , economic efficiency , energy use , wood gasification mini-chp , wood waste
Comparison of Competitiveness of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources in Russia and in East Asian Countries

Marchenko O.V., Podkovalnikov S.V., Solomin S.V. Comparison of Competitiveness of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources in Russia and in East Asian Countries // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934359. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019.8934359 The effectiveness of power plants of various types in Russia (Siberia and the Far East) and neighboring Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan) was evaluated...

Теги: carbon tax , competitiveness , economic efficiency , plants , renewable energy sources , carbon dioxide , competition , costs , electric power generation , emission control , fossil fuel power plants , fossil fuels , global warming , natural resources , nuclear fuels
Significant factors affecting the selection of rational options for power supply in an off-grid zone

Ivanova I.Y. Significant factors affecting the selection of rational options for power supply in an off-grid zone // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197702006 The paper presents a short characteristic of an off-grid zone in the eastern regions of the Russian Federation. The main problems of power supply to consumers in this zone are described, and possible options for solving them are provided. A methodological approach and model tools to estimate the efficiency...

Теги: alternative options , economic efficiency , economic indicators , impact of factors , methodological approach , off-grid consumers , simulation models , computer simulation , economic and social effects , electric power transmission networks , energy policy , method
Комплексное использование возобновляемых источников энергии разных типов для совместного производства электричества и тепла

Марченко О.В., Соломин С.В. Комплексное использование возобновляемых источников энергии разных типов для совместного производства электричества и тепла // Промышленная энергетика. №5. 2018. C.52-57. С помощью математического моделирования исследована эффективность использования солнечной энергии и древесной биомассы в гибридной энергосистеме, производящей электроэнергию и тепло. Рассмотрена энергосистема, которая содержит фотоэлектрические преобразователи, солнечные коллекторы для системы солнечного...

Теги: автономная энергосистема , autonomous energy system , когенерация , cogeneration , солнечная энергия , solar energy , древесная биомасса , wood biomass , математическая модель , mathematical model , экономическая эффективность , economic efficiency
Применение метода расщепления графа при оптимизации параметров тепловой сети

Якшин С.В. Применение метода расщепления графа при оптимизации параметров тепловой сети // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №10. 2018. C.129-140. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-10-129-140 ЦЕЛЬЮ исследования является аналитическое решение задачи потокораспределения многоконтурной тепловой сети и использование этого решения при оптимизации параметров тепловой сети. МЕТОД. Метод расщепления графа, математическое моделирование гидравлической цепи, аналитический метод решения алгебраического уравнения четвертой степени...

Теги: тепловая сеть , гидравлический расчет , многоконтурность , потокораспределение , аналитический расчет , экономическая эффективность , heating network , hydraulic calculation , multicircuit , flow distribution , analytical calculation , economic efficiency
The use of local energy resources for remote populated areas

... are presented in the paper. The problem of choosing the optimal combination of energy plantations, and imported and local fuel is discussed. The influence of the volume of the fuel demand, the prices of the long-range fuel, the transport factor on the economic efficiency depending on the configuration and the required area of the energy plantation is considered. The options to increase the efficiency of heat supply for small and medium-sized settlements in the Baikal region are analyzed. © The Authors,...

Теги: decision making , economic and social effects , energy resources , fuels , economic and environmental benefits , economic efficiency , economic mathematical models , energy supplies , environmental restrictio
The optimization problems of CHP operation

Kler A.M., Stepanova E.L., Maximov A.S. The optimization problems of CHP operation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.891. No.1. ID: 012215. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012215 The problem of enhancing energy and economic efficiency of CP is urgent indeed. One of the main methods for solving it is optimization of CP operation. To solve the optimization problems of CP operation, Energy Systems Institute, SB of RAS, has developed a software. The software makes it ...

Теги: computer software , energy efficiency , optimization , steam turbines , user interfaces , economic efficiency , energy characteristics , modeling and optimization , operating condition , optimization calculati
Эффективность газогенераторных электростанций на древесном топливе для электроснабжения децентрализованных потребителей

Марченко О.В., Соломин С.В. Эффективность газогенераторных электростанций на древесном топливе для электроснабжения децентрализованных потребителей // Экология промышленного производства. №4(96). 2016. C.30-34. Проведен анализ экономической и экологической эффективности газогенераторных электростанций и их сравнение с конкурирующими вариантами - электростанциями на дизельном топливе и возобновляемыми источниками энергии. Показано, что электростанции на древесном топливе экологичны и конкурентоспособны...

Теги: ресурсы древесины , газогенераторные электростанции , газификация , экономическая эффективность , стоимость электроэнергии , конкурентоспособность , wood resources , gas-generating power plants , wood gasification , economic efficiency , electricity cost , competiti
Investigation of ecological constraints influence on competitiveness of nuclear power plants

... nuclear power plants // Nuclear Energy and Technology. Vol.1. No.4. 2015. P.277-282. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucet.2016.02.016 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2452303816000315 The purpose of the present study is to compare economic efficiency of nuclear power plants and plants on fossil fuel for short-term and long-term (until 2050) perspective and further forecasts specification of nuclear power generation development in Russia and in the world on the background of world ...

Теги: nuclear power generation , electricity costs , environmental constraints , payment for emissions , economic efficiency , energy model , forecast
