Ivanova I.Y., Shakirov V.A., Ermakov M.V., Bukher F.S. Feasibility Study of Using Geothermal Heat-Pump Units for Substituting Small-Capacity Coal-Fired Boiler Houses (Taking the Baikal Natural Area as an Example) // Thermal Engineering . Vol.67. No.10. 2020. P.741-750. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601520100055 Abstract—: The economic feasibility of substituting small-capacity coal-fired boiler houses with geothermal heat-pump units in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural area is analyzed. Three...
Теги: boiler house , coefficient of performance , ecology , economic feasibility , heat-pump units , low-grade heat sources , coal , coal fired boilers , costs , economic analysis , fossil fuel power plants , geothermal energy , geothermal heating , horizontal wells , housesMassel A.G., Tatiana Zoryna , Massel L.V. Methodological Approaches to Modeling the Assessment of the Impact of Energy on Geo-ecology and Quality of Life (on the Example of the Russian and Belarusian Regions) // Energy Systems Research. Vol.2. No.3. 2019. P.62-72. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2019.03.0008 The paper is concerned with the results of an international project carried out ...
Теги: intelligent support of decision-making , energy , ecology , quality of lifeKhalgaeva N., Tuguzova T. Prerequisites for using solar potential to supply power to consumers in the central ecological area of the Baikal natural territory // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20197704006 We address the possibility for using solar potential to supply power to consumers in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory, given its special conservation status. Based on an analysis of observations made during expeditions, we revealed...
Теги: annual distribution of direct and diffuse radiation , effects of solar plants , priority areas of solar potential implementation , sunshine duration , total solar radiation , conservation , ecology , energy policy , photovoltaic cells , radiation effects , solar heGubiy E.V., Zorkaltsev V.I. Efficiency of energy plantations // Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.3. 2018. P.82-90. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2018.03.0010 This paper presents an overview of the studies on creation and use of energy plantations. Their economic and environmental benefits are discussed. An economic-mathematical model for the efficiency analysis of energy plantations for fuel supply to remote settlements is briefly described. The results of the study based on this model are illustrated by...
Теги: biofuel , renewable energy sources , fuel supply , ecology , energy plantations