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A semi-empirical approach to the thermodynamic analysis of downdraft gasification

... paper proposes a semi-empirical approach which makes it possible to carry out a thermodynamic analysis of operating parameters and optimization of gasifier operation. To test the approach we did experiments on charcoal and biomass gasification in a downdraft gasifier. Modeling was done on a non-stoichiometric model maximizing the reaction system entropy. The semi-empirical approach reveals three limitations of the cold gas efficiency of the experimentally observed process. The first limitation is ...

Теги: equilibrium model , semi-empirical approach , carbon boundary point , downdraft gasifier , cold gas efficiency , biomass gasification mechanism
A method of studying thermochemical conversion of single biomass particles in an intense air flow

... obtaining kinetic data of thermochemical conversion of fuel particles. These methods to some extent reproduce the conditions of industrial processes. At the same time, there is a lack of methods reproducing the conditions of wood particles gasification in downdraft gasifier. In this process, raw fuel enters the hot reactor region with intense air jets blowing through the tuyeres. It is difficult to directly measure the weight of particles under these conditions due to the effect of gas flow. The authors ...

Теги: combustion , flow of gases , fuels , biomass particle , downdraft gasifier , high heating rates , industrial processs , research methods , statistical processing , thermochemical conversion , visual observation
