Stennikov V.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. A methodological approach to the determination of optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources // Energy. Vol.185. 2019. P.350-360. DOI: 10.1016/ The determination of optimal parameters is of great importance to ensure the operability of a district heating system. Solving this ...
Теги: algorithm , discrete-continuous optimization , district heating systems , dynamic programming , pipeline diameters , pumping stationStennikov V., Postnikov I., Edeleva O. Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.24. №2. 2020. P.115-123. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0059 This paper proposes a two-stage approach to choose the priority municipal units for implementing required energy efficiency measures in a district heating system. On the first stage the existing state of district heating system of Irkutsk region...
Теги: district heating systems , energy efficiency measures , energy-saving strategy , heat tariff , indicative analysis , multiple criteria analysis , municipal units , subsidization indicator , energy conservation , energy efficiency , heating , methodology , multicriterShalaginova Z.I., Tokarev V.V. Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.66. No.10. 2019. P.714-729. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601519100057 Abstract: Problems in planning and implementation of the operating conditions for district heating systems (DHSs) are directly related to ...
Теги: arrangement of operating conditions , district heating systems , experience of application , mathematical modeling , problems of heat supply , software , abstracting , application programs , cogeneration plants , computer software , district heating , energy conserv