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A methodological approach to the determination of optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources

Stennikov V.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V. A methodological approach to the determination of optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources // Energy. Vol.185. 2019. P.350-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.048 The determination of optimal parameters is of great importance to ensure the operability of a district heating system. Solving this ...

Теги: algorithm , discrete-continuous optimization , district heating systems , dynamic programming , pipeline diameters , pumping station
Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy

Stennikov V., Postnikov I., Edeleva O. Methodology of indicative analysis to determine the municipal units for implementation of the energy-saving strategy // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.24. №2. 2020. P.115-123. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0059 This paper proposes a two-stage approach to choose the priority municipal units for implementing required energy efficiency measures in a district heating system. On the first stage the existing state of district heating system of Irkutsk region...

Теги: district heating systems , energy efficiency measures , energy-saving strategy , heat tariff , indicative analysis , multiple criteria analysis , municipal units , subsidization indicator , energy conservation , energy efficiency , heating , methodology , multicriter
Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems

Shalaginova Z.I., Tokarev V.V. Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.66. No.10. 2019. P.714-729. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601519100057 Abstract: Problems in planning and implementation of the operating conditions for district heating systems (DHSs) are directly related to ...

Теги: arrangement of operating conditions , district heating systems , experience of application , mathematical modeling , problems of heat supply , software , abstracting , application programs , cogeneration plants , computer software , district heating , energy conserv
