Bulatov M.V., Linh V.H., Solovarova L.S. Block Difference Schemes of High Order for Stiff Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Vol.59. No.7. 2019. P.1049-1057. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542519070042 Abstract: The initial value problem for stiff linear differential-algebraic equations is considered....
Теги: block difference schemes , differential-algebraic equations , index , stiff problems... theorem are not satisfied, then several solutions may exist. Some solutions can blow-up in a finite time, while others stabilise to an equilibrium point. The special case of considered systems of differential-operator equations are nonlinear systems of differential-algebraic equations which model various nonlinear phenomena in power systems, chemical processes and many other processes. © 2019, Foundation for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation. Статья в журнале
Теги: bifurcation , blow-up , differential-algebraic equations , nonlinear dynamics , stability , volterra equation