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Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems

Shalaginova Z.I. Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems // Thermal Engineering . Vol.63. No.3. 2016. P.222-232. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601516020075 http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0040601516020075 The mathematical model and calculation method of the thermal-hydraulic modes of heat points, based on the theory of hydraulic circuits, being developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute are presented. The redundant circuit of...

Теги: calculations , complex networks , computer software , data handling , heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , hydraulic models , hydraulic structures , mathematical models , rec
The computing and information system for study of scenarios for interstate power grids expansion

Podkovalnikov S., Trofimov I., Trofimov L., Chudinova L. The computing and information system for study of scenarios for interstate power grids expansion // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2019. ID: 8955179. P.1-4. ISBN (print): 9781728133614. DOI: 10.1109/ECTI-CON47248.2019.8955179 We create the computing and information system to study prospective interstate power grids. As...

Теги: computing system , data processing , energy power system , geo-information system , interstate power grid , object database , optimization model , power plant , data handling , expansion , information systems , information use , object oriented programming , object-or
Algorithm for the interpretation of mass spectra in the study of thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials using complex combined thermal analysis

Kozlova M., Penzik M., Shamansky V. Algorithm for the interpretation of mass spectra in the study of thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials using complex combined thermal analysis // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 06010. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911406010 This article proposes a method for processing data obtained using the TA-MS complex. To search for calibration coefficients, the method includes solving a quadratic programming problem. To test the method of searching...

Теги: calibration , cellulosic ethanol , data handling , mass spectrometry , quadratic programming , thermoanalysis , calibration coefficients , ill-conditioned , lignocellulosic raw materials , mass spectra , quadra
Thermal analysis of wood fuel pyrolysis process

Khudyakova G.I., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A., Penzik M.V. Thermal analysis of wood fuel pyrolysis process // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1128. No.1. ID: 012080. 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1128/1/012080 The paper presents the results of studies of conversion process on the laboratory pyrolysis reactor and the results are compared with data, obtained in model experiments by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The heating rates were compared in the pyrolysis reactor and in the laboratory...

Теги: bioconversion , chemical reactors , data handling , fuels , hydrodynamics , pyrolysis , reaction rates , thermoanalysis , conversion process , device operations , experimental modes , kinetic coefficient , model
Adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations

Karamov D., Perzhabinsky S. Adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.58. ID: 02019. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185802019 We developed a new method of adequacy analysis of electric power systems with wind and solar power stations. There are storage batteries in the electric power system. Various types of storage batteries can be used in electric power systems. They are electrochemical, hydroelectric, heat or air storages. The...

Теги: data handling , digital storage , electric power supplies to apparatus , electric power systems , meteorology , monte carlo methods , secondary batteries , solar energy , solar radiation , wind , air storage , e
Model Driven Architecture Implementation Using Linked Data

Cherkashin E., Kopaygorodsky A., Kazi L., Shigarov A., Paramonov V. Model Driven Architecture Implementation Using Linked Data // Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol.920. 2018. P.412-423. ISBN (print): 9783319999715. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99972-2_34 We consider tools for developing information systems with use of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Linked Open Data technologies (LOD). The original idea of LOD is to allow the software designers to develop program systems integrated...

Теги: knowledge based systems , linked open data , logic programming , model driven architecture , data handling , digital storage , embedded systems , information use , linked data , ontology , prolog (programming language) , software design , unified modeling l
Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections

Podkovalnikov S., Trofimov I., Trofimov L. Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.27. ID: 01007. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20182701007 The paper presents Data processing and optimization system for studying and making rational decisions on the formation of interstate electric power interconnections, with aim to increasing effectiveness of their functioning and expansion. The technologies for building and integrating...

Теги: data handling , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , expansion , object-oriented databases , optimization , electric power , electric power grids , graphical visualization , optimiza
Technology of flood water zones moddeling in downstream pool of hydroelectric power station at strong flow through its water abstraction points

Gachenko A.S., Hmelnov A.E., Abasov N.V., Osipchuk E.N. Technology of flood water zones moddeling in downstream pool of hydroelectric power station at strong flow through its water abstraction points // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2033. 2017. P.252-256. The article provides a technology for estimating of potential flooding areas in the lower pool of the Irkutsk HPP at high mandatory water flow expenses through its water abstraction points, that probability has increased significantly since 2001...

Теги: coastline , digital relief , expenditure , flooding , morfostvor , morphing , abstracting , data handling , floods , flow of water , hydroelectric power , hydroelectric power plants , lakes , oil well flooding , monitoring
