Voropai N., Stennikov V., Senderov S., Barakhtenko E., Voitov O., Ustinov A. Modeling of Integrated Energy Supply Systems: Main Principles, Model, and Applications // Journal of Energy Engineering. Vol.143. No.5. 2017. P.1-11. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000443 Energy systems including electricity, heat/cooling, and gas supply systems represent a very important part of the infrastructure in Russia. This paper presents a general framework of integrated energy systems. Elements of the concept...
Теги: integrated energy systems , mathematical modeling , critical infrastructures , elements of concept , case studies , optimal power-flow , optimal operation , combined heat , management , network , hubs , optimization , carriers , grids , gas... in reliance on cyber threats in the energy sector // Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol.17. №8. 2020. P.61-73. DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.8.2020.8.5 The article describes the identification of critical facilities being a significant trend in researching critical infrastructures, particularly in the energy sector. Cyber threats are believed to be important contemporary threats to energy security in Russia. The authors formulated the risk-based approach to support decision-making in the identification ...
Теги: critical infrastructures , cyber threats , energy facilities , intelligent system , risk management , risk-based approachElena Nosyreva, Massel L.V. Application of Multilayer Networks to Detect Critical Energy Facilities // Proc. VIth Int. Workshop 'Critical Infrastructures: Contingency Management, Intelligent, Agent-Based, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security' (IWCI 2019). Part of series Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2019. P.249-256. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.44 One of the main components ...
Теги: critical infrastructures , critical objects , energy sector , complex networks , multi-layer networks , centrality measuresKhayrullina E.P. Methodical Approach and Tools for Creating and Modifying Ontology-based Information System // Proc.VIth Int. Workshop 'Critical Infrastructures: Contingency Management, Intelligent, Agent-Based, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security' (IWCI 2019). Part of series Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2019. P.20-24. DOI: 10.2991/iwci-19.2019.4 The article discusses the ...
Теги: semantic models , ontologies , information system , web-system , critical infrastructuresVorobev S., Edelev A. Analysis of the importance of critical objects of the gas industry with the method of determining critical elements in networks of technical infrastructures // Proceedings of 2017 10th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2017. ID: 8109707. ISBN (print): 9781538607985. DOI: 10.1109/MLSD.2017.8109707 The article shows the application of the method of determining critical elements in the networks of technical infrastructures when analyzing...
Теги: critical objects , flow modeling , gas industry , gas transport network , gases , large scale systems , critical elements , flow model , gas transport , in networks , technical infrastructure , critical infrastructuresKolosok I., Gurina L. Calculation of cyber security index in the problem of power system state estimation based on SCADA and WAMS measurements // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol.8985. 2016. P.172-177. ISBN (print): 9783319316. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31664-2_18 State estimation is an important procedure providing reliable quality information for control of electric power system (EPS). The paper...
Теги: crime , critical infrastructures , electric power system control , electric power system security , electric power systems , state estimation , bad data detections , cyber security , cyber-attacks , scada , tesВоропай Н.И., Стенников В.А., Барахтенко Е.А. и др. Интегрированные инфраструктурные энергетические системы регионального и межрегионального уровня // Энергетическая политика. №3. 2015. C.24-32. Представлена структуризация основных инфраструктурных энергетических систем. Предложены элементы концепции интегрированных инфраструктурных энергетических систем. Обсуждаются два примера взаимодействия интегрированных энергетических систем в аварийных условиях.
Теги: энергетические системы , интеграция , критические инфраструктуры , элементы кон- цепции , вызовы , energy systems , integration , critical infrastructures , elements of concept , challenges