Donskoy I.G., Kozlov A.N., Kozlova M.A., Penzik M.V., Shamanskiy V.A. Thermochemical interaction of wood and polyethylene during co-oxidation in the conditions of thermogravimetric analysis // Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11144-020-01880-y In this work, using the methods of thermal analysis, we investigated the features of the oxidative decomposition of mixtures of polyethylene and sawdust (in different mass ratios). The results show that during the mixtures decomposition...
Теги: combustion , mass spectrometry , polyethylene , pyrolysis , tga , wood , aliphatic compounds , calorimetry , mixtures , oxidation , polyethylenes , thermoanalysis , decomposition products , hydrocarbon chains , mass spectrometric analysis , oxidation reactions , o... disadvantages of conventional processes to be avoided. One of the previously proposed staged processes is investigated in this paper. For this purpose, mathematical models were developed for individual stages of the process, such as pyrolysis, pyrolysis gas combustion, and semicoke gasification. The effect of controlling parameters on the efficiency of fuel conversion into combustible gases is studied numerically using these models. For the controlling parameter are selected heat inputted into a pyrolysis ...
Теги: regime maps , staged gasification , wood biomass. mathematical modeling , agricultural wastes , biomass , combustion , cracking (chemical) , drying , efficiency , pyrolysis , thermodynamic stability , waste incineration , wood , alternative technologies , controlling pMikheev A.V., Potanina Y.M. Technical-economic evaluation of medium-power gas turbine plant with air bottoming cycle // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 07005. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911407005 A developed mathematical model of a gas turbine power plant with an additional air bottoming cycle to utilize heat of exhaust gases was used to carry out a technical and economic analysis. The approach used in the study is aimed at solving two types of optimization problems: (1) to determine the...
Теги: air bottoming cycle , efficiency , electric power , gas turbine , gas-turbine plant , waste heat recovery , combustion , costs , electric power generation , exhaust gases , gas turbine power plants , gas turbines , natural gasoline plants , waste heat , waste heat utilSvishchev D.A., Kozlova M.A., Ralnikov P.A. A method of studying thermochemical conversion of single biomass particles in an intense air flow // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1261. No.1. ID: 012036. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1261/1/012036 There are many methods for obtaining kinetic data of thermochemical conversion of fuel particles. These methods to some extent reproduce the conditions of industrial processes. At the same time, there is a lack of methods reproducing the conditions...
Теги: combustion , flow of gases , fuels , biomass particle , downdraft gasifier , high heating rates , industrial processs , research methods , statistical processing , thermochemical conversion , visual observationDonskoy I.G., Kozlov A.N., Shamanskiy V.A. Thermoanalytical study of drying kinetics of lignocellulosic fuels // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.1261. No.1. ID: 012009. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1261/1/012009 Lignocellulosic matter is usually hydrophilic, so its drying, in addition to the heat of the phase transition for water, also requires compensation of adsorption energy. In the present work experimental studies have been carried out to quantify the moisture adsorption energy,...
Теги: binding energy , cellulosic ethanol , combustion , moisture , moisture determination , molecules , thermoanalysis , wood , adsorption energies , drying kinetic , evaporation rate , experimental determination , is... plants, in which the processes of electric power generation are combined with the processes of coal gasification. Interest in this direction is explained by large natural reserves of coal and minimal harmful emissions into the atmosphere during the combustion of gas obtained during gasification. Asa rule, to improve the quality of gasification, air enrichment with oxygen is used, which is very expensive. An alternative way to increase the calorific value of the generator gas is to supply air heated ...
Теги: high-temperature air heating , regenerative ceramic heat exchangers , integrated gasification combined cycle , air-blown gasification , mathematical modeling , power-generation , technologies , regenerators , combustion , efficiency , plantsKhudyakova G.I., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A. Modeling of Combined Heat and Power Plant Based on a Multi-stage Gasifier and Internal Combustion Engines of Various Power Outputs // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.891. No.1. ID: 012200. 2017. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012200 The paper is concerned with an integrated system of internal combustion engine and mini combined ...
Теги: cogeneration plants , combustion , combustion equipment , efficiency , engines , exhaust gases , exhaust systems (engine) , gasification , heat engines , internal combustion engines , effective efficiencies , enDonskoy I., Kozlov A., Shamanskiy V. Influence of volatiles oxidation processes on kinetics of sawdust combustion // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.115. 2017. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711503015 The paper considers influence of the devolatilization on the combustion of a small woody particle at TGA conditions. Differences between woody char and raw sawdust ...
Теги: kinetics , combustion kinetics , devolatilization , gas formation , oxidation process , combustionDonskoy I.G., Shamansky V.A., Kozlov A.N., Svishchev D.A. Coal gasification process simulations using combined kinetic-thermodynamic models in one-dimensional approximation // Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol.21. No.3. 2017. P.529-559. DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2016.1259505 Mathematical models are developed for the description of solid fuel conversion in fixed-bed and entrained flow gasification reactors. The proposed models ...
Теги: gasification , coal , modelling , thermodynamics , kinetics , entrained-flow gasifier , biomass gasification , syngas , combustion , igcc , equilibrium , injection , gasMikheev A., Zubtsov V. Simultaneous velocity and temperature field measurement of high-temperature flows // DLR-Mitteilung. 2001. P.377-381. The problem of temperature distribution detection using IR pyrometry in high temperature flows is addressed. Two-wavelength IR pyrometry being a direct and passive technique seems to be attractive method of obtaining 2D or even 3D temperature field as an expansion of conventional PIV or PTV. As opposed to conventional PIV and PTV the inherent blackbody radiation...
Теги: charge coupled devices , combustion , heat transfer , image analysis , optical filters , particle beams , photointerpretation , pulsed laser applications , pyrometry , spectrum analysis , temperature distributi