... mathematical simulation of the process of fixed bed thermochemical conversion of solid fuels using the stationary one:dimensional model developed earlier by the author. Results. The authors have evaluated the dependencies of gasification characteristics (cold gas efficiency, composition and calorific va: lue of gas) on specific air consumption, sewage sludge mass fraction (0–100 %) and raw sewage sludge moisture content (10–40 %). They determined the maximum values of sewage sludge fraction in the ...
Теги: coal , cold gas efficiency , gasification , mathematical modelling , sewage sludgeSvichev D.A., Kozlov A.N., Donskoi I.G., Ryzkov A.F. A semi-empirical approach to the thermodynamic analysis of downdraft gasification // Fuel. Vol.168. No.3. 2016. P.91-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.11.066 For most commercial biomass gasifiers the cold gas efficiency makes up 50–70%. However, thermodynamic modeling demonstrates the possibility of its increase to 80–85%. Thermodynamic models predict an optimal composition of flows coming to the gasifier, and a temperature. These parameters are ...
Теги: equilibrium model , semi-empirical approach , carbon boundary point , downdraft gasifier , cold gas efficiency , biomass gasification mechanism... the pyrolysis zone disappears and supply of uncharred fuel to the zone of tuyeres starts. The unstratified gasification that has no pyrolysis zone is characterized by low sensitivity of gas composition to a variation in the gasifier capacity and high cold gas efficiency. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICAE2018 ...
Теги: biomass , downdraft gasification , fixed-bed , pyrolysis zone , stratified downdraft , unstratified mechanism , air , fuels , gasification , sensitivity analysis , temperature measurement , cold gas efficiency , conversion process , fixed bed , oxidation and reduction