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A reliability optimization algorithm with average dual esti-mates for electric power systems

Krupenev D.S., Perzhabinsky S.M. A reliability optimization algorithm with average dual esti-mates for electric power systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.78. No.12. 2017. P.2241-2247. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117917120128 We suggest an algorithm to optimize reliability of an electric power system. The algorithm uses the averaged dual estimates of power generation and power flow constraints. The average values of dual estimates are found by analyzing electric power system reliability. The developed...

Теги: electric power system , adequacy , reliability analysis and optimization
Energy Security and Critical Facilities of Energy Systems: Methodology and Practice of their Identification on the Example of Russia’s Gas and Electric Power Industries

... Levels of critical facilities of the industry are substantiated and an algorithm for their inclusion in the lists of federal or regional critical facilities is developed. A simulation mathematical model of gas industry and a model for estimating the adequacy of the electric power system of Russia are used to estimate the role of the facility in the system availability. The study involves modeling of the operation of Russia’s power and gas industries for the desired time interval given the factors ...

Теги: gas industry , electric power system , critical facility , sys-tem availability , adequacy , energy security
Assessment of Electric Power System Adequacy Considering Reliability of Gas Supply to Power Plants

Krupenev D.S., Kovalev G.F., Dzyubina T.V. Assessment of Electric Power System Adequacy Considering Reliability of Gas Supply to Power Plants // Energy Systems Research. Vol.1. No.1. 2018. P.21-28. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2018.01.0002 http://esrj.ru/index.php/esr/article/view/2018.01.0002 The paper proves the need to make an integrated ...

Теги: gas supply system , electric power system , adequacy , assessment , reliability indices , mathematical modeling.
Комплексный подход к оценке балансовой надежности электроэнергетических систем с учетом надежного снабжения электростанций газом

Ковалев Г.Ф., Крупенев Д.С., Дзюбина Т.В. Комплексный подход к оценке балансовой надежности электроэнергетических систем с учетом надежного снабжения электростанций газом // Вестник ИрГТУ. №9. 2015. C.140-146. Обоснована необходимость разработки взаимоувязанного моделирования надежности электроэнергетической и газоснабжающей систем. Предложены методические подходы для оценки балансовой надежности электроэнергетических систем с учетом надежного снабжения газом электрических станций, а именно - «поузловой»...

Теги: система газоснабжения , электроэнергетическая система , балансовая надежность , обеспеченность электростанций природным газом , математические модели , показатели надежности , gas supply system , electric power system , adequacy , provision of power plants with na
Adequacy optimization in long-term expansion planning of electric power systems

Krupenev D.S., Perzhabinsky S.M. Adequacy optimization in long-term expansion planning of electric power systems // Proc. of the 4-th International Youth Conference on Energy. Siófok, Hungary Hungary. 06-08 June 2013. 1 p. ISBN (print): 9781467355. DOI: 10.1109/IYCE.2013.6604145 http://apps....

Теги: adequacy , assessment , expansion planning , circuit theory , electric power systems , power generation , optimization
