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acoustic generators adiabatic compressed air energy storage autonomous energy systems battery storage categorization battery storage degradation carbon dioxide carbon tax chronological method chronological method. cloud cover competition competitiveness consumer gasification costs distributed generation economic efficiency effectiveness electric power generation electric power quality electric power transmission emission control energy potential energy storage systems forecasting fossil fuel power plants fossil fuels gas main gas mains global optimization global warming integration inter-country power system iqbal model kasten-czeplak model meteorological series natural resources nuclear fuels oil product optimal pow optimal power flow optimisation optimization optimization power of equipment plants powe power export power system power system control power system modeling power system stability power-system reactive power compensation units recreation area remote consumers renewable energy renewable energy resources renewable energy source renewable energy sources rural electrification solar and wind energy potential solar energy solar radiation solar-radiation model stochastic systems storage integration supplies of oil products system research system stability system studies technoeconomic o voltage deviation wind energy wind energy potential ветроэнергетика возобновляемые источники энергии интеграция редколлегия системы электроснабжения солнечная энергетика энергетический потенциал эффективность


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An Improved Two-Stage Optimization Procedure for Optimal Power Flow Calculation

Domyshev A.V., Sidorov D.N., Panasetsky D.A. An Improved Two-Stage Optimization Procedure for Optimal Power Flow Calculation // Energy Systems Research. Vol.3. No.1. 2020. P.52-61. DOI: 10.38028/esr.2020.01.0005 The paper focuses on the problem of optimal power flow. Minimized production and transmission costs were considered to design an optimal power flow search method based on the novel two-stage optimization procedure that takes into account the voltage and power constraints. As a result, the...

Теги: optimal power flow , power system control , power system modeling , renewable energy sources
Comparison of Competitiveness of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources in Russia and in East Asian Countries

Marchenko O.V., Podkovalnikov S.V., Solomin S.V. Comparison of Competitiveness of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources in Russia and in East Asian Countries // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. ID: 8934359. ISBN (print): 9781728100616. DOI: 10.1109/FarEastCon.2019.8934359 The ...

Теги: carbon tax , competitiveness , economic efficiency , plants , renewable energy sources , carbon dioxide , competition , costs , electric power generation , emission control , fossil fuel power plants , fossil fuels , global warming , natural resources , nuclear fuels
Effects Of The Adoption Of Renewable Energy Sources Within The “Baikal-Khövsgöl” Cross-Border Recreation Area

Ivanova I.Y., Shakirov V.A., Khalgaeva N.A. Effects Of The Adoption Of Renewable Energy Sources Within The “Baikal-Khövsgöl” Cross-Border Recreation Area // Energy Systems Research. Vol.2. No.3. 2019. P.11-20. DOI: 10.25729/esr.2019.03.0002 The study provides an analysis of the current state of the power supply system ...

Теги: recreation area , renewable energy sources , solar and wind energy potential , remote consumers , electric power quality , voltage deviation , reactive power compensation units
Integration of the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equipment of stand7alone energy systems with renewable energy sources [ИНТЕГРAЦИЯ ПРОЦЕCCA КAТЕГОРИЗAЦИИ ЭЛЕКРОХИМИЧЕCКИХ НAКОПИТЕЛЕЙ ЭНЕРГИИ В ЗAДAЧУ ОПТИМИЗAЦИИ CО

Karamov D.N. Integration of the storage battery categorization process into the task of optimizing the equipment of stand7alone energy systems with renewable energy sources [ИНТЕГРAЦИЯ ПРОЦЕCCA КAТЕГОРИЗAЦИИ ЭЛЕКРОХИМИЧЕCКИХ НAКОПИТЕЛЕЙ ЭНЕРГИИ В ЗAДAЧУ ОПТИМИЗAЦИИ CОCТAВA ОБОРУДОВAНИЯ AВТОНОМНЫХ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕCКИХ ...

Теги: battery storage categorization , battery storage degradation , optimization , renewable energy sources , system studies
Optimal Power Flow Calculation Using BFGS-Based Optimisation Scheme

Domyshev A., Sidorov D., Panasetsky D., Sun Y., Ju P., Wu F. Optimal Power Flow Calculation Using BFGS-Based Optimisation Scheme // 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, EI2 2018 - Proceedings. ID: 8582375. 2018. P.1-6. ISBN (print): 9781538685495. DOI: 10.1109/EI2.2018.8582375 The problem of optimal power flow is considered. The method of search of an optimal mode from the point of view of both minimised production and transmission costs is proposed. Proposed optimisation...

Теги: optimal power flow , optimisation , power system modeling , power system stability , renewable energy sources , acoustic generators , electric power transmission , global optimization , renewable energy resources , stochastic systems , system stability , optimal pow
Интеграция возобновляемых источников энергии в систему электроснабжения промышленного предприятия

Подковальников С.В., Поломошина М.А. Интеграция возобновляемых источников энергии в систему электроснабжения промышленного предприятия // Вестник ИрГТУ. Т.22. №11. 2018. C.182-198. DOI: 10.21285/1814-3520-2018-11-182-198 В статье рассматривается возможность использования возобновляемых источников энергии для электроснабжения механического завода. Производится оценка климатических условий местности, а также исследуется возможность установки альтернативных источников энергии на данном заводе. В качестве...

Теги: возобновляемые источники энергии , солнечная энергетика , ветроэнергетика , интеграция , энергетический потенциал , эффективность , системы электроснабжения , renewable energy sources , solar energy , wind energy , integration , energy potential , effectiveness , powe
Mathematical modelling of failures of electrical grid (10 kv) of autonomous energy systems with renewable distributed generation

....116-130. https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35410988_83631417.pdf Relevance of the work is caused by the improvement of the existing approaches to modeling possible component failures of autonomous power systems with distributed generation using renewable energy sources. The main aim of the study is to demonstrate the possibility of using the chronological method of calculating the system in modeling possible failures of the elements of the electric grid of autonomous energy systems with distributed ...

Теги: autonomous energy systems , chronological method. , distributed generation , forecasting , renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potential

Karamov D.N. FORMATION OF INITIAL METEOROLOGICAL ARRAYS USING LONG-TERM SERIES FM 12 SYNOP AND METAR IN SYSTEM ENERGY STUDIES // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.329. №1. 2018. P.69-88. http://earchive.tpu.ru/bitstream/11683/46114/1/bulletin_tpu-2018-v329-i1-08.pdf The relevance of the work is caused by the lack of a unified concept of taking into account the natural and climatic conditions in system studies in the energy sector. The main aim of the study...

Теги: renewable energy sources , solar radiation , wind energy potential , meteorological series , system research , optimization power of equipment , chronological method , solar-radiation model , rural electrification , renewable energy , power-system , technoeconomic o
The Russian-Mongolian vector of the eastern energy strategy of Russia: Role of energy potential of the Baikal region

Saneev B., Ivanova I., Izbuldin A., Muzychuk S., Maysyuk E., Borisov G., Butkhuyag S. The Russian-Mongolian vector of the eastern energy strategy of Russia: Role of energy potential of the Baikal region // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.27. ID: 02006. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20182702006 The paper is concerned with the specific features of Russia's economic development in a new economic environment that caused the need to revise the priorities of energy policy. The research presents the initial conditions...

Теги: consumer gasification , gas main , inter-country power system , power export , renewable energy sources , supplies of oil products , gas mains , oil product , renewable energy source , renewable energy resources
Mathematical modeling of solar radiation based on open access longmterm meteorological observation data

... based on open access longmterm meteorological observation data // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. Vol.328. No.6. 2017. P.28-37. The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by increasing interest in employing renewable energy sources generators in autonomous energy systems of Siberia and Far East. The main aim of the study is to demonstrate the appliance of long-term local meteorological observations for implementation in mathematical models of Iqbal and Kasten-Czeplak ...

Теги: cloud cover , iqbal model , kasten-czeplak model , meteorological series , renewable energy sources , solar radiation
