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Centralized emergency control for multi-terminal VSC-based shipboard power systems

Panasetsky D., Sidorov D., Li Y., Ouyang L., Xiong J., He L. Centralized emergency control for multi-terminal VSC-based shipboard power systems // International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Vol.104. 2018. P.205-214. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.06.051 Multi-terminal hybrid AC/DC power systems have found a wide application in different areas, such as wind and solar energy, microgrids, shipboard power systems (SPS), etc. To ensure reliability and survivability of the SPS, the emergency...

Теги: dc zonal electrical distribution system , emergency control , hybrid ac/dc power systems , power flow , shipboard power systems , electric circuit breakers , electric load flow , electric power systems , genetic algorithms , reliability theory , ships , solar energy
