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Dissociation kinetics of methane hydrate and CO2 hydrate for different granular composition

Misyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G. Dissociation kinetics of methane hydrate and CO2 hydrate for different granular composition // Fuel. ID: 116614. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116614 The dissociation of gas hydrate particles (methane hydrate and CO2 hydrate) in a layer with no coalescence of particles (with “true size” of particles), as well as that of pressed pellets have been studied experimentally. The activation energy of gas hydrate at negative temperatures was determined using the statistical method...

Теги: activation energy , dissociation kinetics , gas hydrate dissociation , carbon dioxide , dissociation , gases , hydration , kinetics , lasers , masers , methane , natural gas , natural gas transportation , natural gas wells , pelletizing , temperature
