... heat-supply system (HSS) is in ensuring the required throughput capacity of a heat network by determining pipeline diameters and characteristics and location of pumping stations. Effective methods for solving this problem, i.e., the method of stepwise optimization based on the concept of dynamic programming and the method of multicircuit optimization, were proposed in the context of the hydraulic circuit theory developed at Melentiev Energy Systems Institute (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)....
Теги: algorithms , heat-supply system , multilevel modeling , optimization methods , procedure , software system , circuit theory , complex networks , computer software , construction equipment , hierarchical systems , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , optimizatioZorkaltsev V.I., Mokryi I.V. Interior Point Algorithms in Linear Optimization // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Vol.12. No.1. 2018. P.191-199. DOI: 10.1134/S1990478918010179 This is a survey of the results concerning the development and study of the interior point algorithms. Some families of the direct ...
Теги: central path , interior point method , linear programming , relative interior , energy engineering , interior point algorithm , interior-point method , linear optimization , objective functions , optimal solutions , polynomial optimization , optimizatio