... urgent for both the systems under design and the existing insufficiently reliable systems.The methodology of solving the stated problem is based on the methods of the theory of hydraulic circuits, nodal reliability indices of heat supply, models of Markov random process and general regularities of cogeneration and heat transfer processes. The methodology also takes into account changes in thermal loads during the heating period and time redundancy of consumers related to heat storage. The results ...
Теги: component reliability , failure and restoration rates , heat supply system , markov random process , nodal reliability indices , reliability optimization , failure analysis , heat storage , heat transfer , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative methodPostnikov I. Methods for optimization of time redundancy of prosumer in district heating systems // Energy Reports. Vol.6. No.2. 2020. P.214-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2019.11.065 The paper deals with the problem of operating the reliability of prosumers as part of a district heating system, taking into account overload time redundancy that they possess. This time redundancy can be both passive, caused by heat accumulating effect and use of thermal energy storages, as well as an active time redundancy...
Теги: availability factor , district heating system , intelligent integrated energy systems , markov random process , mathematical modeling , nodal reliability indices , optimization , prosumer , reliability , theor , district heating , heat storage , heating equipment , hy... required level of reliability indices of heat supply to consumers of district heating systems is formulated. The methodology for the joint solution of this problems is based on the use of general principles of the theory of reliability, the apparatus of markov random processes, some laws of the theory of probability, nodal reliability indices, models of the theory of hydraulic circuits and some other methods. Case and numerical studies were carried out on basis of the testing scheme of district heating ...
Теги: district heating system , integrated reliability parameter of component , markov random process , mathematical modeling , nodal reliability indices , prosumer , reliability analysis and optimization , theoty , district heating , heating equipment , hydraulic equipm... the required level of heat supply reliability and minimal total costs on ensuring this level are developed. The methodology of solving the stated problem is based on the methods of the theory of hydraulic circuits, nodal reliability, indices models of Markov random process and general regularities of heat transfer processes. The methodology also takes into account changes in thermal loads during the heating period and time redundancy of consumers related to heat storage. © 2018 The Authors, published ...
Теги: component reliability , district heating system , failure and restoration rates , markov random process , nodal reliability indices , reliability optimization , district heating , heat storage , heating equipment , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , pipelin... systems and is urgent for both the systems under design and the existing insufficiently reliable systems. The methodology of solving the stated problem is based on the methods of the theory of hydraulic circuits, nodal reliability indices, models of Markov random process and general regularities of heat transfer processes. The methodology also takes into account changes in thermal loads during the heating period and time redundancy of consumers related to heat storage. The results of the practical ...
Теги: heat supply system , reliability optimization , nodal reliability indices , component reliability , failure and restoration rates , markov random process , failure analysis , heat storage , heat transfer , hydraulic equipment , hydraulic machinery , iterative method