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Estimate for interstage water injection in air compressor incorporated into gas-turbine cycles and combined power plants cycles

Kler A.M., Zakharov Y.B., Potanina Y.M. Estimate for interstage water injection in air compressor incorporated into gas-turbine cycles and combined power plants cycles // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Vol.24. No.3. 2017. P.483-491. DOI: 10.1134/S0869864317030155 The objects of study are the gas turbine (GT) plant and combined cycle power plant (CCPP) with opportunity for injection between the stages of air compressor. The objective of this paper is technical and economy optimization calculations...

Теги: comprehensive optimization , gt and ccpp cycles , gas turbine flowpath , water injection into air compressor , economy and power efficiency , performance , parameters
