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Unstratified downdraft gasification: Conditions for pyrolysis zone existence

... conversion of individual parts of the bed. The experiments established the conditions when the pyrolysis zone existed or did not exist. With a velocity of the fuel bed motion up to 1-1.5 cm/min, the pyrolysis zone is formed above tuyeres through which air is supplied to the bed. In the case that the velocity of the bed motion exceeds this range, the pyrolysis zone disappears and supply of uncharred fuel to the zone of tuyeres starts. The unstratified gasification that has no pyrolysis zone is characterized ...

Теги: biomass , downdraft gasification , fixed-bed , pyrolysis zone , stratified downdraft , unstratified mechanism , air , fuels , gasification , sensitivity analysis , temperature measurement , cold gas efficiency , conversion process , fixed bed , oxidation and reduction
