Edelev A.V., Zorkaltsev V.I. Алгоритм определения оптимальных и субоптимальных траекторий развития систем // Сибирский журнал индустриальной математики. №22(1). 2019. P.34-40. DOI: 10.33048/SIBJIM.2019.22.104 Излагается алгоритм определения оптимальных и всего набора субоптимальных траекторий развития технико-экономических систем. Динамика возможного развития систем задана в виде направленного графа, узлы которого характеризуют возможные состояния системы в будущие моменты времени, дуги - возможные...
Теги: ¶динамическое программирование , комбинаторное моделирование , оптимальные и субоптимальные варианты развития , dynamic programming , combinatorial modeling , optimal and suboptimal options of development... the solution obtained is not optimal for the original district heating system model. The paper presents a methodological approach to determining optimal parameters of district heating systems with several heat sources. The approach employs a modified dynamic programming optimization method that provides an optimal solution without decomposition into the heat source service areas. © 2019 входит
Теги: algorithm , discrete-continuous optimization , district heating systems , dynamic programming , pipeline diameters , pumping station... is considered as a directed graph whose nodes characterize the possible system states in the future time intervals, while the arcs represent all possible transitions from one state to another during given time intervals. The algorithm is based on the dynamic programming principles. It is applied in the software package “Dynamics” that realizes the methods of combinatorial modeling to study the long-term options for the development of energy systems. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. нет
Теги: combinatorial modeling , dynamic programming , optimal and suboptimal options of development , directed graphs , dynamic programming principle , economic system , energy systems , system state , time interval... replacing pipelines and installing (modernization) pumping stations. In this case we normally solve a complex non-linear programming problem with discrete and continuous variables. ESI SB RAS proposed effective methods to solve it. A method based on dynamic programming was devised for a tree-like network. For ring-shaped networks, there is a multi-loop optimization method which is based on the principle of successive improvement of the solution. An important feature of these methods lies in the fact ...
Теги: dynamic programming , flow distribution , hierarchical model of heating system , multi-level modelling , multi-loop optimization method , optimal parameters of heating system , software , complex networks , computer software , heating , heating equipment , hierarchiСтенников В.А., Барахтенко Е.А., Соколов Д.В. Разработка модифицированного метода многоконтурной оптимизации для определения оптимальных параметров трубопроводных систем // Промышленная энергетика. №1. 2018. C.28-35. Представлен модифицированный метод многоконтурной оптимизации, позволяющий путем декомпозиции модели трубопроводной системы значительно сократить продолжительность итерационного вычислительного процесса. Метод предназначен для решения практических задач определения оптимальных параметров...
Теги: трубопроводные системы , pipeline systems , алгоритм , algorithm , метод многоконтурной оптимизации , multi-loop optimization method , теория гидравлических цепей , hydraulic circuit theory , динамическое программирование , dynamic programming , методы оптимизацииLucenko A.V. Optimization of hydraulic modes of distribution heat networks by dynamic programming // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.39. ID: 03003. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20183903003 An original modification of the dynamic programming method is proposed, which is designed to optimize the hydraulic modes of distribution heat networks,...
Теги: computational efficiency , hydraulic equipment , pipelines , continuous optimization , dynamic programming methods , special properties , dynamic programming... regularities are made permissible. For intrastep simulation, we use the model of extreme intermediate states developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute. To increase the optimal results of calculations when transitioning from one step to another, the dynamic programming method is applied. The properties of reversible processes in the case of constructing trajectories by the second method are always observed by the potentiality of one-dimensional motion. The need for the use and applicability of the ...
Теги: circuit modeling , extreme trajectory , irreversible process , one-dimensional potential space , step-by-step equilibrium modeling , thermodynamic space , dynamic programming , probability , statistical mechanics , thermodynamics , trajectories