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Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media

... is filled with the measured amount of additional fluid. The result of verification using this method is presented for the previously proposed formula for calculating the void fraction of the adiabatic steam-water flow in a channel with a fixed bed of spherical particles. © 2020, E.A. Tairov. входит Статья в журнале

Теги: granular layer , measurement of void fraction , steam-water flow , flow of water , porous materials , void fraction , average void fraction , condensed state , cutting-off , fixed bed , porous aggregates , spherical particle , steam-water flows , vapor phase , two phas
A polytropic model of a critical two-phase flow in a bed of spherical particles

Tairov E., Khan P. A polytropic model of a critical two-phase flow in a bed of spherical particles // MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol.115. 2017. 4 p. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201711505007 https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2017/29/matecconf_sts2017_05007.pdf The paper is concerned with a model of isenthalpic flow ...

Теги: mixtures , critical mass , critical two-phase flows , expansion process , granular beds , polytropic model , solid particles , spherical particle , theoretical modeling , packed beds
