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Generation adequacy of electric power systems in market price setting

Aizenberg N., Perzhabinsky S. Generation adequacy of electric power systems in market price setting // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.114. ID: 03006. 2019. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911403006 We propose the new model of generation adequacy optimization. Optimization criterion is a maximum of social welfare. Social welfare consists of profits of generating companies, consumer surplus, costs for development and servicing of electrical grids. In the article we present a review of existed methods ...

Теги: commerce , electric power systems , monte carlo methods , power generation , profitability , electricity demands , electricity supply , generating companies , generation adequacy , multiple estimates , optimiza
Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections

Podkovalnikov S., Trofimov I., Trofimov L. Data processing and optimization system to study prospective interstate power interconnections // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.27. ID: 01007. 2018. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20182701007 The paper presents Data processing and optimization system for studying and making rational ...

Теги: data handling , electric power systems , electric power transmission networks , expansion , object-oriented databases , optimization , electric power , electric power grids , graphical visualization , optimiza
