Power consumption in the Eastern regions of Russia: Prediction issues Статья конференцииKorneev A., Korneev K.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02003.
Coal industry of East Siberia-prospects for development Статья конференцииTakaishvili L., Sokolov A.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 03001.
Energy security problems at the regional level: Situation analysis and main trends Статья конференцииSmirnova E., Senderov S.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 01009.
Analysis of the energy policy establishment: The case of East Asia Статья конференцииPopov S.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 01003.
Measures to prevent emissions of pollutants when burning coals in small-capacity boilers in the central ecological area of the Baikal natural territory Статья конференцииMaysyuk E.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04007.
Features of heat energy supply of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) northern regions Статья конференцииDobrovolskaya T., Stennikov V.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04002.
Cogeneration and power export as factors of the Nogliki gas turbine power plant expansion Статья конференцииLachkov G., Fedyaev A.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04003.
Institutions of international energy cooperation in North-East Asia region Статья конференцииKorneev K., Korneev A.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 01004.
Significant factors affecting the selection of rational options for power supply in an off-grid zone Статья конференцииIvanova I.Y.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02006.
Impact of gas supply system development scenarios on natural gas demand in the Baikal region Статья конференцииIzhbuldin A.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 04005.
Study of the effect of natural factors on optimal capacity of renewable energy resources Статья конференцииTuguzova T.E3S Web of Conferences 2019E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.77. ID: 02007.
Оценка потенциальных возможностей добычи и использования энергетических углей месторождений регионов Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Востока Статья в журналеСоколов А.Д., Такайшвили Л.Н.Энергетическая политика 2019Энергетическая политика. №1. C.84-94.
Univariate global optimization with point-dependent Lipschitz constants Статья конференцииKhamisov O.V., Posypkin M.AIP Conference Proceedings 2019AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol.2070. ID: 20051.
Transient Stability Problems of Electic Power Systems with Distributed Generation Статья конференцииVoropai N.I., Chulyakova M.V.2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602504.
The Charge and Discharge Integrated Management Mode of EVs with Financial Incentive Mechanism Статья конференцииZhai S., Sun Y., Sidorov D., Panasetsky D.2018 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2018 - Proceedings. ID: 8601685. P.1256-1261.
Impacts of earthquakes on energy security in the Eurasian economic union: Resilience of the electricity transmission networks in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan Статья в журналеIakubovskii D., Komendantova N., Rovenskaya E., Krupenev D., Boyarkin D.Geosciences (Switzerland) 2019Geosciences (Switzerland). Vol.9. №1. ID: 54.
Piecewise linear bounding functions for univariate global optimization Статья конференцииKhamisov O., Posypkin M., Usov A.Communications in Computer and Information Science 2019Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol.974. P.170-185.
Geopolitical features of energy security in the Caspian regions of Russia and Azerbaijan Статья в журналеSenderov S.M., Yusifbeyli N.A., Rabchuk V.I., Huseynov A.M., Nasibov V.K., Vorobev S.V., Guliyev H.B., Smirnova E.M.Geopolitics of Energy 2019Geopolitics of Energy. Vol.41. No.1. P.5-12.
Distinctive Features of Energy Demand Forecasting in the Non-Manufacturing Sector of the Economy Статья конференцииGal'Perova E., Mazurova O.2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602537.
Energy Resilience Assessment in the Period of Transition to Sustainable Energy Статья конференцииLoktionov V.I.2018 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018. ID: 8602622.