ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ПГУ И СИСТЕМ ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ НАРУЖНОГО ВОЗДУХА ПГУ И ГТУ Статья в журналеАльрави Амар, Захаров Ю.Б., Клер А.М.Научный вестник Новосибирского государственного технического университета 2012Научный вестник Новосибирского государственного технического университета. №4. C.137-144.
Mathematical modeling and optimization of parameters of coal-fired combined cycle unit with gas-turbine cycle working medium heated in periodic regenerative heat exchangers Статья конференцииKler A.M., Tyurina E.A., Mednikov A.S., Staheeva E.V.Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Coal Combustion. P.470-473.
The Efficiency of Using Gas Turbine Technologies in Developing Small Oil-and-Gas-Condensate Deposits Статья в журналеКарасевич А.М., Федяев А.В., Лачков Г.Г.Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 2012Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). Vol.59. No.2. P.128-133.
Эффективность применения газотурбинных технологий в условиях разработки небольших нефтегазоконденсатных месторождений Иркутской области Статья в журналеКарасевич А.М., Федяев А.В., Лачков Г.Г.Теплоэнергетика 2012Теплоэнергетика. №2. C.41-45.
PRIORITIES FOR USING LOW-CAPACITY NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS IN EASTERN RUSSIA Статья в журналеSaneev B.G., Ivanova I.Y., Tuguzova T.F., Frank M.I.Atomic Energy 2012Atomic Energy. Vol.111. No.5. P.344-350.
Detection of "bottlenecks" and ways to overcome emergency situations in gas transportation networks on the example of the European gas pipeline network Статья в журналеVoropai N.I., Senderov S.M., Edelev A.V.Energy 2012Energy. Vol.42. No.1. P.3-9.
Changes in the summertime atmospheric circulation over East Asia and formation of long-lasting low-water periods within the Selenga river basin Статья в журналеBerezhnykh T.V., Marchenko O.U., Abasov N.V. et al. Geography and Natural Resources 2012Geography and Natural Resources. Vol.33. No.3. P.223-229.
Compromise Scheduling of the Bilateral Contracts in the Electricity Market Environment Глава в монографииPalamarchuk S.I.Handbook of Networks in Power Systems, I / New York: Springer. P.241-262.
Problems of regional energy provision in the energy strategy of Russia to 2030 and prospects for low-capacity nuclear power plant development Статья в журналеVoropai N.I., Marchenko O.V., Stennikov V.A.Atomic Energy 2012Atomic Energy. Т.111. №5. C.328-335.
Modeling of Boiling of Subcooled Water and Ethanol under Conditions of Pulsed Heat Generation in a Wall Статья в журналеPokusaev B.G., Nekrasov D.A., Tairov E.A.High Temperature 2012High Temperature. Т.50. №1. C.84-90.
Optimizing parameters of GTU cycle and design values of air-gas channel in a gas turbine with cooled nozzle and rotor blades Статья в журналеKler A.M., Zakharov Y.B.Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 2012Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. Т.19. №3. C.403-413.
STUDYING THE CONTROLLABILITY OF PROCESSES FOR THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF SOLID FUEL IN A BED Статья в журналеKeiko A.V., Svichev D.A., Kozlov A.N., Donskoi I.G.Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 2012Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). Vol.59. No.4. P.302-309.
Оценка режимной надежности системы электроснабжения с распределенной генерацией на основе концепции риска Статья в журналеВоропай Н.И., Фам Чунг ШонВестник ИрГТУ 2012Вестник ИрГТУ. №12. C.217-224.
Accounting for the variable nature of heat loads in optimizing cogeneration combined heat and power plants Статья в журналеKler A.M., Potanina Yu.M., Maximov A.S.Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 2012Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). Vol.59. No.7. P.550-556.
The new generation of the software system used for the schematic-parametric optimization of multiple-circuit heat supply systems Статья в журналеSokolov D.V., Stennikov V.A., Oshchepkova T.B., Barakhtenko Ye.A.Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 2012Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). Т.59. №4. C.337-343.
About the energy security doctrine of Russia Статья в журналеBushuev V.V., Voropay N.I., Senderov S.M., Saenko V.V.Economy of Region 2012Economy of Region. №2. C.40-50.
Methods for analyzing operational controllability and their application for estimating the quality of heat supply systems Статья в журналеShalaginova Z.I.Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 2012Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). Т.59. №5. C.408-413.
System and management problems of the electric power industry's development in Russia Статья в журналеVolkova E.D., Zakharov A.A., Podkoval'nikov S.V., Savel'ev V.A., Semenov K.A., Chudinova L.Y.Studies on Russian Economic Development 2012Studies on Russian Economic Development. Vol.23. No.4. P.363-370.