Experimental Study of Model Refuse-Derived Fuel Pellets Swelling during Heating and Combustion Статья в журналеDonskoy I., Svishchev D.Processes 2023
The Role of Energy Performance Agreements in the Sustainable Development of Decentralized Energy Systems: Methodology for Determining the Equilibrium Conditions of the Contract Статья в журналеKaramov D., Ilyushin P., Minarchenko I., Filippov S., Suslov K.Energies 2023
Digital platform of reliability management systems for operation of microgrids Статья в журналеKrupenev D., Komendantova N., Boyarkin D., Iakubovskii D.Energy Reports 2023
Combustion of Liquid Fuels in the Presence of CO2 Hydrate Powder Статья в журналеMisyura S., Morozov V., Donskoy I., Shlegel N., Dorokhov V.Fire 2023
An approach to energy distribution between sources in a hierarchical integrated energy system using multi-agent technologies Статья в журналеStennikov V., Barakhtenko E., Mayorov G.Energy Reports 2023
Research into Prospects for the Expansion of Mongolia’s Electric Power Industry under Current Conditions Статья в журналеPodkovalnikov S.V., Batmunkh S., Bat-Erdene B.Geography and Natural Resources 2023
Optimal Scheduling of Regional Integrated Energy System Considering the Integration of Electric Vehicles and the Life Cycle Assessment Method Статья в журналеLi L., Yang D., Liu Z., Ji X., Tomin N.IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2023
An Approach to Implementing High-Performance Computing for Problem Solving in Workflow-Based Energy Infrastructure Resilience Studies Статья в журналеFeoktistov A., Edelev A.V., Tchernykh A., Gorsky S., Basharina O., Fereferov E.
Two relaxed quadratic function negative-determination lemmas: Application to time-delay systems Статья в журналеLiu F., Liu H., Li Y., Sidorov D.Automatica 2023
Accuracy Analysis of Estimates of Total Solar Radiation in Databases and Regression Models for Eastern Russia Статья в журналеIvanova I.Y., Shakirov V.A., Khalgaeva N.A.Geography and Natural Resources 2023
Mathematical modeling of tar conversion on downdraft biomass gasification processes Статья в журналеDonskoy I.Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 2023
Indicative analysis of energy security at the regional level: methodology and practice exemplified by individual territories of Russia Статья в журналеSenderov S.M., Smirnova E.M., Vorobev S.V.Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 2023
Techno-Economic Efficiency Estimation of Promising Integrated Oxyfuel Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plants with Carbon Capture Статья в журналеDonskoy I.Clean Technologies 2023
The Effect of Dam Construction on the Uldza River in Mongolia on the Hydrological Regime of the Torey Lakes Статья в журналеNikitin V.M. , Abasov N.V. , Osipchuk E.N. Geography and Natural Resources 2023
The Problem of Boundary Control of the Thermal Process in a Rod Статья в журналеV. Barseghyan, Solodusha S.V.Mathematics 2023
Dissociation of methane from a layer of methane-hydrate particles: A new simple model Статья в журналеAntonov D.V., Shchepakina E.A., Sobolev V.A., Misyura S.Y., Donskoy I.G., Strizhak P.A., Sazhin S.S.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2023
Preface to “Model Predictive Control and Optimization for Cyber-Physical Systems” Статья в журналеSidorov D.Mathematics 2023Mathematics. MDPI
On a System of Linear Volterra Integral Equations with Variable Integration Limits Статья в журналеSolodusha S.V.Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2023
Eastern polygon of Russian railways for Russian coal export: development prospects and limitations; [Восточный полигон железных дорог России для экспорта российского угля: перспективы развития и ограничения] Статья в журналеTakaishvili L.N. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering 2023
Optimization of the optimal value function in problems of convex parametric programming; [ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ФУНКЦИИ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ЗНАЧЕНИЯ В ЗАДАЧАХ ВЫПУКЛОГО ПАРАМЕТРИЧЕСКОГО ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ1] Статья в журналеKhamisov O.V. TRUDY INSTITUTA MATEMATIKI I MEKHANIKI URO RAN 2023